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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well my FM save is depressing, all my good players are moving on and all my scouts find are midget wingers that can run fast but are idiots, or ancient defenders that can't move. Guess I will save scum and leave Brno too. Downloaded Starpoint Gemini 2, so will try that a bit, it didn't catch me last time.
  2. Well they obviously didn't talk to the Trump fans that destroyed them with facts and reasoning.
  3. Rebel Galaxy done and dusted. Time to make Brno great again in FM then maybe Starpoint Gemini 2
  4. Well, it can always get worse than some celebrity dying...still have a couple of hours.
  5. Cocaine preserves.
  6. Is her actual birthday in dispute or something?
  7. Just shy of her centennial, too
  8. No, but 1979, when that came out, is. More hip hop needs to use brass instruments.
  9. People never said that before COVID here, you'd be lucky they'd cover their faces too.
  10. Dangerously high levels of confidence...or low levels of shame, depending on your point of view.
  11. The new Tomb Raider trilogy is free on Epic. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games
  12. Returned to work after 12 day break, motivation evaporated in about 10 minutes.
  13. FInished Rebel Galaxy campaign, such as it was. Serviceable, did most of the last parts in an Arcturus, got lucky with some drops so was tanky with a Mk6 shield and armour. Really do want to screw around with a Blackgate though, so will farm a bit for that. Overall, 40 hours into it, was a fun experience, again could do more but can say that with anything. The OST gets a lot of love but holy is it repetitive
  14. Being very charitable calling that a gem.
  15. He probably rigged the cap and set the fire.
  16. Rebel Galaxy is fun enough, feels a lot like EV Nova. The UI is a pain to deal with, surely swapping turrets around could be less clunky than they've done it here.
  17. Maybe they were fans of World in Conflict, had a cutscene showing US troops trying to retake a Burger King.
  18. I am looking forward to games released this year being on sale.
  19. In Volo veritas. I think he's still on the Codex, will poke him and tell him to come back to this den of ubermensch
  20. Yes. Not sure if it is really a myth that they are the biggest thieves, currently And being hypocritical is a part of being a powerful country, or just having a dog in the fight.
  21. The free game today hardly seems worth it.
  22. Well in that case they got it from their enemy, nothing too shady there.
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