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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I used to stick my transit tokens in it, not many of my pants have it. Neat that they continue adding it though.
  2. Just lay people not nations. I'd largely say people don't really care about the Uighurs that much, the rare few that I see mention them it's just a stick to beat China with. Probably is just due to the media coverage, well for some, a coworker commented that the other situations - Myanmar, Tigray, Yemen were "complex" and "common for that part of the world" (I work with some real gems, heh). Was thinking it was just a shooting, but nope, just a regular manhole explosion which is common, I believe - sad if true, need to work on infrastructure https://abc7chicago.com/times-square-explosion-new-york-city-nyc-manhole/11736951/ At the state level - decrying aggression by a permanent member is a joke by any of them to make, equally going on about might making right. As for the Tigrayans, I don't see why they can't care the same. I see people calling for war with Russia, going to bust Ethiopia's nose is much easier as well.
  3. Effectively it is though, just some marching but not much else. As Zoraptor wrote, the moralizing is more it. It is also funny to see people demanding something be done but then you see things like the Tigrayans and no one gives a ****, heh. In any case it's just the US that cartoon was mocking, not "the west".
  4. Azov claiming that chemical weapons were used, for what that is worth.
  5. Second this suggestion. Good mindless fun.
  6. Serbia planning to conquer Europe, I see.
  7. Not sure that disproves it, they have to be there to get hit by a mortar, which could have decent range. Is annoying to figure out the situation there, though. Cheerleady, as you'd expect but was interesting regardless - https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/ukraine-war-marines-front-lines-1334770/
  8. Yeah well....you don't have a strong military! Suck on that.
  9. Did the Russians actually seize the port complex? Saw video of that yesterday, although fighting was still audible.
  10. Remedy is handling the development , I believe
  11. Did taxes, so with the refund cash will get a new rig. Although looking at the games I do play, I doubt I actually need the power of a 5600x or something but it has been 7 years since I built one. Worst part is actually having to go to the stores as the big Canadian online retailer died a (deserved) death a couple of years back.
  12. I guess question of ignorance being willful or not, but given her other actions at the time (granted as she says she was just an ambassador, to paraphrase) and the fact she apologized (as best as you can from a politician), there's something there. Certainly not the only one to wear blame for it and the idea that Somalia made the US wary of involving is pretty funny, especially when you look at what went wrong in Somalia.
  13. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2022/04/08/16-year-old-killed-when-teens-wearing-body-armor-take-turns-shooting-at-each-other-in-florida-police-say/
  14. Ahh, Alberta's fine, about the same level as Ontario really in terms of having idiots that think or want to be in America - had a "conversation" with one guy here who thought the Confederate Flag wasn't inherently racist and is just standing up for your rights, for example.
  15. People talking about a "suicide squeeze" are people to run away from.
  16. Sort of https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/20/magazine/madeline-albright-interview.html
  17. Apologized for Rwanda as well, good thing all sins are forgiven, heh. Also the fact that the number is inaccurate doesn't matter that much - her reaction to the number is the thing to note. In any case, nothing all that shocking that a high official isn't all too concerned with people.
  18. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/04/bill-clinton-nato-expansion-ukraine/629499/ Clinton on NATO expansion
  19. Sort of the funny thing about this was the Vincennes' crew's incompetence when trying to launch the SAM, 27 times or something, if they'd failed a couple more times maybe the Iranians would have been spared.
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