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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I started off in flight sims like F-19, F-117A, also stuff like Gunship 2kj (full flight sim mode was tedious as hell...), never had an issue switching to the way FPS' did it. Adapt and overcome! Origin did feelies right, for sure. Never did get the WC one, I just borrowed it from a classmate back in elementary. Regret not getting a hold of the ones LucasArts did for X-Wing and TIE Fighter.
  2. One downside to digital games is no longer getting a manual to read. The Caesar 3 and SMAC manuals are some of the best, even if the former seems to be of an older build of the game from what I recall.
  3. I don't get how or why people play like that, it's not an airplane
  4. You do whatever it takes to have free time at work. In my experience managers think a worker's day has infinite capacity, though.
  5. Really, Bruce.
  6. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-24/scott-morrison-china-naval-base-solomon-islands-red-line/101011710
  7. No, I don't think I was underestimating the time, I don't think it's 6 weeks or something but it is relevant as we talk about this war dragging on. Definitely will come from the US, only nation with stuff to spare (although won't stop people bitching that their country needs to disarm itself for aid).
  8. I imagine it'll only get more unpopular. Western countries will run out of old gear to dump on them eventually, yes, but they can start training Ukrainian forces on their own gear. So things look on the up there for Ukraine. That's extrapolating a hell of a lot from people's assumptions on how states and governments are run
  9. Seems pretty impossible for Russia to win here. Can see at least Canada still pumping money over, there's a lot of Ukrainians here to suck up to for votes.
  10. Wasting more time in FM. Brno reached the Europa QFs but then lost because the game doesn't like it when poorer clubs succeed. Club is almost Serbian now though, hah.
  11. I am highly skeptical that they are naturally disinclined to pursue the subjects, sure is a lot of other factors - having to deal with male engineering students is probably an enormous negative Working the weekend validating after other teams do some work. Now, you'd think someone would have let them know to let me know that they've done their tasks, but that's something a sensible organization would have done.
  12. Because Engineering requires masculine energy (was told this once by a classmate I usually fantasized about garroting, actually...did that for a lot, strange.). Your age, maybe. More and more women are getting into it over time. And also might be the discipline, I've always found it odd that the women engineers at my University were heavily into Chemical, Mechanical and Aerospace. The smartest ones (well ok, with highest GPA) were all Elec's though, funnily enough.
  13. Was listening to some of his stuff then came across this, wasn't expecting Alex Jones-tier lyrics
  14. Le Pen winning will make the year more interesting, so will go for that.
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