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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Wrong Greek (well, ok person of Greek heritage), that was Basil Pouledoris
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reply_of_the_Zaporozhian_Cossacks
  3. Well crap, he did have a good run at 79 though. Blade Runner Blues is a favourite of mine. Heh, also the video for Chariots of Fire is great, with him taking long drags of a cig while watching the film.
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/19/politics/senate-vote-ukraine-aid-package/index.html A good day for the arms industry
  5. I hate puzzles where you have to remember and reproduce tones in adventure games, hardest puzzle in Crowns and Pawns so far was that, trying to hear a muffled tone in the distance, hah. Delightfully absurd, caused Belarus to win by putting up a flag and making the crowd chant "Goal!" or "Defense!"
  6. A PKP. Plenty of ammo around already, so less logistical issues.
  7. Definitely not working then. We don't even get that, the managers all deal with it. Of course the auditors have a policy that those can access data can not check in code and vice versa, and those that can affect data cannot access the application and vice versa. This is why I have 2 logins for Perforce and Citrix...
  8. Plodding along in Crowns and Pawns, is so so. Missed a hot spot and thus got blocked, that was annoying. But overall the puzzles are not bad - chasing a cat around with an access card around it's neck is a bit silly a puzzle to present. But all in all paid $20 for it.
  9. On a funny and very tangentially related note, BIS got some marketing care of McCaffrey
  10. New engine and probably a game from BIS - https://www.twitch.tv/armaplatform/schedule?segmentID=5491fa21-3ad3-435b-9cf7-38afc5f15a91
  11. Assuming they are swapped. You know the Russians are so evil they are going to line the streets in Moscow with them crucified... But seriously, I thought it wasn't confirmed that they were going to be swapped for Russian POWs.
  12. Had a meeting to discuss whether or not we need to have two meetings, the action item was to have the two meetings next week, then have another meeting to decide if we need the two after the fact. Been googling how to make a noose.
  13. You should have a mental list - if just for no other reason than to starve them of attention. People do label a lot of media as bent trash for good reasons other than their ideology - try reading the Sun or Mail and then think you're taking in quality work (in the case of the Sun it's written for people that didn't reach HS...). In any case, a bit off field now. But it has been a good source of amusement for me in this war watching people discuss it. On another forum, a guy tries to balance out the cheerleading by posting Russian sources or pro-Russia takes and people lay into him. But then you'll see people post some similar stuff that is pro-Ukraine or Ukrainain statements and everyone acts as if its gospel. Why I just rely on Kofman, analysis seems suitably cold blooded.
  14. So the Mirror and Newsweek huh. Hm. Anyway, if you have non crappy media, use that instead, not all that difficult. If I see an article in The Sun, I'll check to see if a non-dross paper has it (also, need to deny them clicks).
  15. People do use them as one here, though, you've not noticed that in all these threads ?
  16. Well, fair enough. But his vote is valuable, so should hold out for more. Then again, I doubt there is real urgency to all of this, not as if Finland is facing invasion or Sweden likewise any time soon. And as this war shows, Russia's not to be feared and Finland probably could hold them off by themselves.
  17. Maybe Turkey will get their F-35s. Why frame it so negatively, gotta look out for yourself.
  18. I take umbrage to the fact T&T is not hyperlinked. Is funny because the reason people say T&T has got more violent is illegal immigrants from Venezuela.
  19. Don't think it detracts that much, but whatever you need as ammo I guess. Rather skeptical of this and news like this, myself. Much different from news from the field.
  20. Just a natural progression of modern management, everything's metrics.
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