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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. New scene group called FSBros to be created soon.
  2. Had thought they could give Patriots at a discount or something, but had no idea those things cost that much - $1B.
  3. Well not for infinite years, but will be an easy sell to the public (if any care in a couple of months.) - and helps the US economy out, sort of. Useful to check Russia and doesn't hold the US' attention too much.
  4. Well, not perfect, for sure. But end result may be no invasion as Ukraine's well armed and has experienced fighters (Adeptus Astartes grade if you believe what I see in the news daily :P). US populace will happily pay for their weaponry for a couple years ahead, at least.
  5. Those clear visors seem to have no practical purpose. Good to have pointless melodrama with Gosling
  6. Sorry, I meant in terms of how they operate with other nations, was the context of this. Externally, all situations they have to have self interest as their highest goal and they're likely to do whatever they want regardless of if it's "immoral" or not to the average person. Churchill (ok, pardon the source...) has a good quote on that - "The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong." . In any event not much harm done being cynical towards a state's motivations, heh. I didn't say Trudaeu was silly or misinformed, though, why do you say he is ?
  7. Just make it Open Carry and Mic night
  8. Well to conclude it perhaps, but is reasonable to assume it. States are run like and by sociopaths. The US' "failures" and "dark side" as you put it is the reason people distrust their involvement in things (more so if their nation was receipt of US actions, I've experienced) and it depends on who the potential target is - if they are involved with Russian affairs it's going to be different than their involvement with Canadian ones (where they just **** us over ). But yes, anti-American, etc. etc. Not even sure what the outcome of WW1 would have been had the "bad guys" won, well other than a different kind of WW2 later I will hazard a WAG at.
  9. Doesn't really seem that unreasonable, if you look at the country's track record. Also the US is a superpower, the game demands it screw with strategic rivals as they do to it, no ?
  10. Not quite sure some dude on Twitter is really worth including in military history.
  11. Nothing prevents Ukraine from getting armed and trained with the US gear that needs it.
  12. See, that's why you need to be emotionally dead like me! But nah I don't think the game's writing is all that comparable to DE. It's a fun game, I wish there were more investigations to do as they are fun puzzles - the Farmville area was amusing to play through. The "twist" is quite predictable, but not sure that is a mark against it.
  13. The typos and overlapping text aside, is an interesting presentation. good use of HOI music
  14. Is like a discount Disco Elysium. I'd say it's worth $18 USD. Farming Simulator 22 is on sale too...I may get that.
  15. Mariupol, well or what's left of it, fallen or close to it seems - https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/europe/mariupol-mayor-ukraine-occupiers-intl/index.html
  16. 1946 has the highest tier at 91%, 1964 it goes to 77%, 1965 to 70% and lower and lower from there on. But this new tax is on top of income tax, no?
  17. Decided to learn how to play HOI4, so will spend time on that and hopefully avoid the PDX DLC trap.
  18. https://www.wsj.com/articles/roman-abramovich-and-ukrainian-peace-negotiators-suffer-symptoms-of-suspected-poisoning-11648480493 Seems a strange thing to do.
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