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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Seems peace talks progressed a bit https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/820489.html
  2. Poland has a couple hundred they can spare, no?
  3. Probably just some very good Hind pilots benefitting from NATO intelligence. Maybe is some Azov people that did it, they don't want their legend to grow so they denied it
  4. Iran vs US in group, haha. Shame KSA wasn't there too. Canada probably won't get out of their group, with Belgium and Croatia.
  5. Even if true that just means they'd have the upper hand, not that Ukraine can't send anything up in the air.
  6. Surprised people thinking it is false flag on places like Reddit when they lap up every tale of Ukrainian prowess. Not implausible for two gunships to do that, though. They still do, still have pilots flying, read some puff piece about them earlier in the week.
  7. https://ip-quarterly.com/en/one-mans-war-one-mans-choice Interview with Fiona Hill about this situation
  8. Is great when a client hears "Production" when I say "UAT" on a Teams call. Sucks for him
  9. Scott Bennie https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2022-03-31-fallout-writer-scott-bennie-dies-aged-61
  10. Been getting good reviews, I've enjoyed some of Raw Fury's other stuff
  11. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/britain-allies-send-more-lethal-aid-ukraine-uk-defence-minister-2022-03-31/ Will be interesting to see what gets sent.
  12. Russians leaving Hostomel, so I guess that's it for the Kiev campaign.
  13. You don't honestly think debates online are 'constructive' do you ?
  14. Yep, am aware they do it, was just a joke on the brevity of the incursion, no need to get snarky.
  15. Well yes, it doesn't always matter, as I wrote - it helps, in terms of getting quality staff and facilities and size helps for talent pool. Smaller, poorer nations have to wait for a good generation.
  16. Yep, but in terms of qualifying the US has a fair amount of leeway in terms how far they can let their quality dip before it becomes an issue. And with the country's size and wealth, that helps as well. All the irritating homerism has started here, the WC draw is a Big Deal here in Canada complete with moronic promos
  17. Wonder what the rest of their flight path was, maybe they intimidated Sweden by chance Would have thought this would have provoked more immediate attention, though.
  18. Yes, but have to admit reading "US official says.." with some of the claims should arouse some skepticism in you.
  19. Why ? It's CONCACAF, need to be pretty poor to not qualify.
  20. It is funny how everything they say remains gospel Ah ok, was searching at 0100 without my glasses for the Russian equivalent of the B61 but nothing came to mind.
  21. Was that confirmed? Article I saw earlier said Swedish military hadn't yet. - https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/uppgifter-ryska-planen-var-karnvapenbestyckade Granted, had to rely on translation site. Honestly surprised an Su-24 would be kitted out with a nuclear weapon.
  22. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/28/ukraine-kyiv-russia-civilians/ Think there was a discussion (well or whatever passes for it here) on civilian structures being targeted, came to mind.
  23. Almost done Darkside Detective, the humour is decent enough, I laughed once or twice. I do enjoy the music as well.
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