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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. All that pontificating and you still watched it? I have watched them before due to just being bored on YouTube, have watched Bastille Day celebrations too. And nothing happened, big surprise.
  2. Hm, wonder if this will be a rare moment that CNN et al. will cover the Victory Day parade
  3. They just needed a Ukrainian curveball (surprised they didn't kill that guy)
  4. So does most of it, actually, hmm. Problem is gets way too detailed and not that interesting really - we have SaaS so often times internal projects (or bugs that need to be hotfixed for 18 months...) need stuff done with those environments. So I have to do crap like I have to do today, log on for an hour to run procedures in the UAT DB because I'm the only one in the entire Western Hemisphere with access.
  5. The amusement in an expected announcement and the accompanying hype and endless discussion ending in nothing is quite apart from people dying or brutality occurring though. The level of discussion around the net on this war, mainly social media, is pretty moronic - stupid memes, jokes or excitement at combat footage. I assume a lot is NA teenagers who just watch war on TV and played a lot of COD or something, though.
  6. Because it'd be funny at mostly the media's expense (or the very chatty UK government). You're overqualified for Sky Sports with that analysis.
  7. Hopefully he finds some way to troll the Western expectations.
  8. So Wali is back in Canada - https://www-lapresse-ca.translate.goog/actualites/2022-05-06/retour-du-tireur-d-elite-wali/la-guerre-c-est-une-deception-terrible.php?_x_tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  9. Well neither do I really. So far I came up with "Provide support for internal clients to resolve business critical tasks necessary to keep projects on time and in scope". In my company they seem to be
  10. Working on resume, trying to think up a fancy way to describe my tasks of "editing CSV files and SFTP'ing them around for BAs". Also realize I have excelled Peter Gibbons, I have 9 bosses now.
  11. Strange that in this instance all the OSINT people reported on radio chatter. Last night (well my time zone) was quiet or nothing out of ordinary.
  12. Yeah the desktop version on my phone runs like molasses. As for that notification, don't think you can get rid of it, I'll have to check
  13. You can do that, just need to use desktop mode, then long press on the video and the Loop option should show. I just tested that on my Android using FF mobile though.
  14. Been lazy so tooling around with the ArmA 2 editor. Should move on to 3 but I like the "real" world weaponry present there.
  15. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-705985 Putin apologized to Bennett for Lavrov's remarks. Probably not going to change too much, I feel.
  16. Yes, I think I've read some seeing it as US and NATO lackeys, heh. But seems pointless really, not going to get much traction in the non-US NATO members.
  17. Also they've set this as a struggle against NATO. EU isn't a military organization as well, so if the same members are doing the same thing in two different shirts, might as well harp on NATO.
  18. What's so surprising about that ? The US is their chief adversary and the real might in NATO. Is the EU offended they're not being mentioned ?
  19. Not sure that is relevant at all for negotiations, though. https://apnews.com/article/belarus-alexander-lukashenko-ap-interview-9bc1f6524eb65841b924883705684b7f Doesn't really seem that much of a change, I think. His comments about the nukes was amusing though.
  20. Interestingly, the quote in the title is attributed to Plato erroneously sometimes, most famously in Black Hawk Down.
  21. Snipes should have worked with Seagal. Because then Seagal would be dead, and the world a better place.
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