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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Go visit BC or something, why go visit Wannabe America ?
  2. Politics in Canada truly is pretty boring, take for example this attempt at a hit piece -https://globalnews.ca/news/8845828/del-duca-riding-association-50k-high-end-restaurants/ $50,000 on restaurants! Over 6 years.
  3. I learned that killing your boss can be a good thing.
  4. Friend played Stellaris due to free weekend, so went back to that. Was fun to re-learn the game. Still suck at it, got the Unbidden invading and they pretty much wrecked me. But good to see espionage is finally in (they've caught up to SEIV ! )
  5. This must be done by some libertarian jagoff. Wait, that's redundant.
  6. I can see why Will left.
  7. Well they have large numbers in the west, getting ready, so at least still have capability.
  8. Was the most enjoyable part of the game for me, shame there weren't more cases.
  9. Had to do some work on the weekend, apparently the internal team doing the work I have to check isn't aware I exist. I forget what it is managers actually get paid for...
  10. You're describing the people, not the land.
  11. Wrong Greek (well, ok person of Greek heritage), that was Basil Pouledoris
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reply_of_the_Zaporozhian_Cossacks
  13. Well crap, he did have a good run at 79 though. Blade Runner Blues is a favourite of mine. Heh, also the video for Chariots of Fire is great, with him taking long drags of a cig while watching the film.
  14. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/19/politics/senate-vote-ukraine-aid-package/index.html A good day for the arms industry
  15. I hate puzzles where you have to remember and reproduce tones in adventure games, hardest puzzle in Crowns and Pawns so far was that, trying to hear a muffled tone in the distance, hah. Delightfully absurd, caused Belarus to win by putting up a flag and making the crowd chant "Goal!" or "Defense!"
  16. A PKP. Plenty of ammo around already, so less logistical issues.
  17. Definitely not working then. We don't even get that, the managers all deal with it. Of course the auditors have a policy that those can access data can not check in code and vice versa, and those that can affect data cannot access the application and vice versa. This is why I have 2 logins for Perforce and Citrix...
  18. Plodding along in Crowns and Pawns, is so so. Missed a hot spot and thus got blocked, that was annoying. But overall the puzzles are not bad - chasing a cat around with an access card around it's neck is a bit silly a puzzle to present. But all in all paid $20 for it.
  19. On a funny and very tangentially related note, BIS got some marketing care of McCaffrey
  20. New engine and probably a game from BIS - https://www.twitch.tv/armaplatform/schedule?segmentID=5491fa21-3ad3-435b-9cf7-38afc5f15a91
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