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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Not really, you can't be a hawk half way. The S-400s in Syria are under Russian control, if I am recalling correctly.
  2. Surprised the US hasn't fixed that, given the way the DOD gets handed cash. They had similar problems during the invasion of Iraq, saw that Israel had the same issue when invading Lebanon. Was one of the more appreciable moments from Clancy that he had that happening in RSR - that and NATO and WP tearing each other up so badly that they had C-tier units barely moving after a while. NATO upping it's ready force to 300k - https://www.axios.com/2022/06/27/nato-force-increase-ukraine-russia Also NATO is expanding it's protection to some Spanish exclaves. Guess the migrant threat is that serious..
  3. You're enlisting when ? As an aside, the website linked in that tweet has some aggravating design, or at least doesn't work as intended with FF
  4. Yep, normally it's one something that actually has working parts. A spice rack doesn't, now if it were how to design a spice rack, okay that's different. Then again, that company also hired me, so that tells you about their level
  5. https://www.gog.com/game/virtuaverse Last giveaway I believe, this one I think I'll play.
  6. I am, nearly out of them though Looking at our developers who release stuff that doesn't actually do anything...I can imagine many. I was asked once how I would test a spice rack once, honestly not sure what the **** that was supposed to indicate.
  7. Hey I'm old, I've bombed a lot of interviews Had one funny one where the guy told me they hired the guy before me, another one got real awkward when the interviewer told me my area was full of <slur for gays>. I like giving interviews, myself, am fairly easy so I just ask stuff they'll need for the job and try to be helpful - rare as everyone with me is trying to flex on the poor candidates. My dream one day is to ask one guy the questions from Blade Runner in an interview.
  8. Time to get a new football team to manage in FM18, so need suggestions. Or I should go buy FM22, but still too expensive.
  9. https://apnews.com/article/abortion-supreme-court-decision-854f60302f21c2c35129e58cf8d8a7b0 Going to be another fun weekend, I guess.
  10. Moot point in any case, could sense the guy thinking I was an idiot At least I took an hour off work, got to skip out on another genius at work making a typo when dropping objects from a DB.
  11. Seems no way to get the original only on GOG as well, they bundled it with the EE.
  12. Yeah. Wish the media would stop talking to people as if these will devastate the entire RF, though. As of today though it's just doomposting about Severodonestk and however many troops were caught in Zolote. Today a cell phone tower caught fire here, I suspect Spetsnaz.
  13. $9.99 US. So, still a bit enhanced Not worth it though - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-blade-runner-games-new-remaster-looks-worse
  14. Actually seems it's 4 now, not 7 as of yet. Guess they will be priority targets for the RF as well, will be interesting to see how it goes
  15. I think the top tier in Canada is 1.5 gbit No way they'd ever offer a year trial here, best you'd get would be $20 off for a year or something like along those lines The job does involve some more interesting stuff, still involves babying finance bros though. More working in a satellite office too, which sucks.
  16. These days, maybe not, people can be a lot more zealous about them.
  17. 2 gbit and a free year ? What utopia do you live in ? Super busy week, have an interview tomorrow at 9, not too keen on the job the more I think of it, more pay but just a feeling I have about how they operate and what the job would be. Probably mostly inertia though, am part of the furniture around my current place
  18. Well, can be pretty certain it's not coming back - they are in NATO, no? I think the impact of these 7 is a bit overstated.
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