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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.pcgamer.com/starcraft-2s-veterans-left-blizzard-to-make-stormgate-the-co-op-rts-of-their-dreams/ Meh, really.
  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-61726733 Seems counterproductive. Just declare them illegal combatants and stick them in a camp on a military base outside Russia.
  3. I'd have gone with "We practice selective annihilation of mayors and government officials, for example, to create a vacuum, then we fill that vacuum" for the thread title.
  4. Predators was pretty good, Adrian Brody's tough guy voice aside.
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/08/us/politics/ukraine-war-us-intelligence.html
  6. I wish they'd made a Max Payne movie. Would be really good and easy to do, too.
  7. Just have massive pipe networks and drone stations in the middle of nowhere, ah, my colonies are so unsightly. I am still bitter due to the CTD when apparently a transporter is moving around waste rock, they fixed it they said but I still got it and that aborted my Russia game.
  8. We need that here, forum mods can post in closed threads but we can't ? I demand @Gorgon resign and be replaced by @Totally not Gorgon
  9. What they need is massive taxation on bullets.
  10. Well, it's usually used as an insult. Strange choice of words from Lewinsky. What does Ja Rule think though?
  11. I think the real scandal was his lying to Parliament about it - there's to be an inquiry. But then again -
  12. Thinking of the space 4X games I own, I recall I still have to try Star Ruler 2. I've had this game for 6-7 years, I keep saying i'll play it and then shelve it. Actually one game I'd like to try just to make me feel stupid would be Aurora 4X.
  13. Should be an easy pivot to a new career in exploiting nerd rage.
  14. Meh, SEIV still has it beat. Some small empire near to me has an amazing fleet and is just wrecking me. Guess that's it for playing Purifiers. Game sure runs like molasses near the end as well, guess that has not changed. Switching to Hardspace, not a fan of the cabin, was less immersive to just have a boring menu but was easier to work around.
  15. Killing the Pope would be bad, people are indifferent in many Catholic-heavy nations but they wouldn't be if the Pope's killed deliberately. But unless he's stopping outgoing from his position, that's just going to end up with him dead from the course of war. I'm all for sending Jordan Peterson to Mariupol to block 152mm rounds.
  16. They wouldn't, well not unless the Pope just acts as a human shield. Politically blowing away a leader of a sovereign nation and the highest ranking holy man would be damaging. As for #2, probably not, maybe some influencer though
  17. Some day gamers will learn this whole thing is about money as it always was. But the amount of moaning about D:I is at least entertaining.
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