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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Eh I dunno, I wouldn't want to live out west with all those rednecks. Here in the immigrant ghetto of TO it's much nicer. If the penalties are identical, doesn't make the crimes equal or the same. It's not theft, unless you do something neat and steal every copy as well as destroy all copies of the source (that'd be a coup). But eh, is a quibble. It's funny how you people exhibit such anger and use such harsh terms about people that download games illegally of all things (not even Scene people, just leechers). Still though, no one gets the point of piracy being huge in some places due to the legit market not even trying to be appealing, hm. Yarr.
  2. I heard Just Cause 2 got pretty boring though.
  3. So far nothing I want. Supreme Commander 2 for less than $5 was hilarious though, stupid Taylor had to whore it out.
  4. Could be useful, the delay might matter. Course, as one mentioned earlier, better to not buy games until they've been out for a year, heh.
  5. Poor substitute for playing as you're shown what's wanted to be shown.
  6. Demos ? uh ok. Rentals for PC games is a new one to me, and as for preview videos...you like the taste of manure ? However one useful thing to have is consumerist friends, you can rely on them to buy mindlessly and then glean any input from them. Most useful thing I've come across so far.
  7. Sure, if the money is $5 from them to you. Otherwise...ehhhh.
  8. Wargasm took that.
  9. Operation Arrowhead
  10. Sort of amused at a crackberry user walking out right into the path of a bike courier, not a high speed collision but the entire accident and the ensuing cussing match was pretty good.
  11. Well people are crappy, so there we are. Mostly though the snide digs and aura of self importance does seem common here and everywhere, not that there's anything wrong with that making a 'solid' community that cares about others (as odd as that is for text on a screen, anyway )
  12. Well..yes, I know that (woo my B.ASc isn't useless after all ). What I meant was specifically how it's done. If people pirate the application I work on, I doubt I'd care much either way, like Initech we ship more zip benefit to me other than the already ongoing dice roll of whether I keep my job, hehe. Whether or not they funded the company, they've provided feedback on a product I've worked on and that's what's useful to improve. You're telling me that if a pirate supplies a well evidenced review showing why he thinks the game is bad totally or in some aspects, you'll just ignore it ? What if he praised it ?
  13. Malcador


    I had no idea RoK's military was the size it was, not that much smaller than the DPRK's, well if you include reserves.
  14. Most of it seemed unrelated to piracy - such as their testing problems, or him getting disheartened alot. I'd be glad if someone said they thought my game was crap but played 30 hours of it, at least they've seen everything it had to offer at that playtime and can form their opinion on it. That way it's useful as feedback. I'm curious as to how these groups break the copy protection from a technical view, heard rumours but as you can imagine, can't go ask how they do it, hehe.
  15. Pfft, it's the internet!
  16. Isn't that pretty much all of this forum ?
  17. Better example would be stealing library books, but that's proper stealing not "stealing" like piracy is. But the original point was just the reality of why people do it, little or no impetus to buy it.
  18. Malcador


    Everyone's like Hitler.
  19. Time to burn the witch.
  20. Don't do it. The game will get stale real fast.
  21. In any event, it's just a custody screwup rather than "Athiest persecution activate!"
  22. I still doubt it would have been a lot more peaceful. WW1 wasn't out of any religious reasoning, neither were the Napoleonic Wars. Khmer Rouge's purges weren't motivated by religion. Like Teg says "Battle ? There`s always a desire for breathing space motivating it somewhere". Religion preaches that killing is wrong, people tend to ignore that and want to go kill X group because of Y. Well, if they can ignore that, why wouldn't they ignore anything else? I wouldn't drop my jaw too much at the athiest and his kids (http://static.cnhi.zope.net/heraldbulletin/flashpromo/docs/1120scarberry.pdf - court order) I'm pretty sure there's more to this (they both sound like lousy parents, maybe the mother won by default?).
  23. The engine has been tweaked gradually, but I can't say I've ever been put off by the graphics. More like the totally crushing boredom
  24. There was about 2-3 weeks of stuff, started off with dealing with cultists, then soothing elementals, then they have elemental invasions in the world (and Outland oddly..) then invasions of the cities. Sort of ho-hum, but Blizzard's world events largely suck all the time so no surprise. I have to laugh at the changes to the old quests - the NPC tells you where to go, when it's also in the quest text, and also the fact there's a Flight point EVERYWHERE. A guild mate continually whines about travel time in the 'Old' world so I guess people didn't like that ? Not sure if this is constant but an NPC sent me into a cave, then went with me - that way I don't have to go in and out repeatedly, but I suppose that's a nice change.
  25. I must say I like the changes to WPL, I liked that zone the most out of all and it's nice to see that I affected things somewhat. I will miss Azshara pre-Cataclysm though, was a nice zone to just amble around alone in.
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