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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Phew, for a moment there I thought it was a problem. Good thing it's not as big a problem as someone elses.
  2. Early days, heh.
  3. Everyone knows you gotta sit in the office for 10 hours a day to be productive.
  4. Was an Office Space joke Course, Lawrence was dumb, if I had a million dollars. I'd mix Samir and Peter's options. Invest, and do nothing.
  5. You can never code enough. Never. Unless it's LISP. To meet the two, you first need a million dollars.
  6. Relationships just detract from gaming/coding time.
  7. Nah, doubt it'll be as bad as DX2. Will probably come close to the original game, but with "cool ****" like cinematic takedowns, kill cams, slow motion when you use some special aug, etc.
  8. Oh, so you meant Dugas and crew are returning to Spector's roots. Not sure how Obsidian works into that, heh. Also, not sure how DX:HR is returning to that, aside from talk from Dugas.
  9. Whose roots is Eidos Montreal getting back to, exactly ?
  10. Nice to see that inventory system. Still glitz and words at this point, but it might not suck total ass, huzzah! JC was such a downgrade.
  11. But this time YOU, the player, get to experience it. It'll be a game based on a book based on a game. Genre maker, right there.
  12. Ah ok that highlighting junk is due to an augmentation, my mistake.
  13. Yeah! TIE and DF2! Obviously he doesn't know what he's talking about. Many of the books are awesome too, IMO. There are a few really bad ones too, but if you pick the ones by right writers, you won't be dissapointed. You mean just Zahn. Anderson can go die in a fire (and for Dune too, bastard).
  14. Well, they make it easy to see items.
  15. That seems pretty plausible. It'll help flesh out the Mass Effect universe if you get to find out what REALLY happened with Anderson. Etc .
  16. We actually have a TPS process...and I did get a memo about that. Soon they will all burn.
  17. But they expand their flock of sheep if they did Sad how many people are saying they'd love a Halo meets Mass Effect game. Bleh.
  18. Probably, don't really get anything from her though.
  19. Nah, we should just all bend over and let you and boo ream us. There's a Bioware faction here ? Sweet.
  20. Sneaky Avellone, didn't even notice him!
  21. Hm when you think about it, not much to remove from ME2.
  22. If only I could find an image for it Maybe not a modern RPG though, looking at that image with more of my brain on.
  23. That's because you're a closed minded hater.
  24. For that money, I'd like a sword.
  25. So gritty. Maybe it'll be a modern spy RPG.
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