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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Interesting definition of riding coattails you have. The engine usage is probably the only argument one can make for that, as much as that is anyway.
  2. How did they ride their coattails ? I know they used the same engine as NWN, albeit modifying it heavily.
  3. We should be able to summarily execute any and all party members. Too crowded on my ship.
  4. Eh, looks ok. Will be a good way to kill time in March anyway.
  5. Malcador


    If only the RDF could save him. Oh pffbt, it's the Enquirer.
  6. God damn North Americans.
  7. Shame I missed that, will have to get to see it. But what a result! Shame they'll end up losing it on the away leg
  8. I couldn't help but snicker.
  9. Programmers. Not sure why, must be the soulless organizations they serve, stifling their urges or what not. For most of the engineers I went to school with, generally a lot were made a lot more bitter by schooling, so maybe it's that
  10. You two should share a room.
  11. Realized that I end up doing work simply because I've nothing better to do. Although to be honest, most of the work at home is just reading poorly documented code, or code with misleading documentation hah. Probably should find a hobby I suppose. And a 5 day weekend starting tonight.
  12. Crysis 2 Source Code Leaked Hah! Lovely. Should be a good read.
  13. Dawn of War 3 I think. But, here's hoping it's Homeworld 3, I miss space.
  14. We don't need more heretical scum trying to impurify the Master race!
  15. Eh, not sure how effective. They have comments and I assume some way of verifying the group that put the release out (wishful thinking there, hah).
  16. (Perceived) anonymity of the internet. I've not come across much boasting about it, plenty of high horsed rage at times.
  17. Hm, not really. Mostly dishonesty more than anything. Either that or apathy towards the developers on the way to the poor house
  18. Phew, was wondering when that buzzword would finally pop up.
  19. Who's Felicia Day ?
  20. I still prefer funcroc
  21. Wow, she's going to get serious back pain.
  22. Well it's not, really. If it's true, it's true, no ?
  23. People can like to have an argument, heh. Eh, not sure someone's criticism is invalid because they didn't pay for it. I find paying for something you can end up trying to justify your purchase rather than being honest. But overall, how they got it matters not in their assessment, just how they present it and is it backed up.
  24. Curiosity.
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