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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I realize I miss Tribes.
  2. Met a friend, still obsessing over an ex-coworker. Crazy or just odd (who says "Well I've removed guilt from my personality" anyway?), but definitely not stalk-worthy or healthy material for him - she did laugh and say "Oh all guys tell me this" when he told her liked her. Sadly, nothing short of me finding him a woman will kick him off that, so no go there. My proposed solution may be to remove her. But will have to keep thinking on this.
  3. Dragon Rising. Figured out how to make USMC rifles fire rockets. Well, at least bullets that explode with the force of an 83mm rocket anyway.
  4. Dev Diary #4
  5. You just need sisu.
  6. Hm, I rather liked the music to the ME games thus far. The music made the last level a bit more "epic" feeling.
  7. Ars Technica's hands on with DNF
  8. One time a mayoral candidate here made an announcement that he discovered the final solution to the homeless problem. Was pretty funny
  9. Canada sure is cute when they play on the world stage, though.
  10. You seem to imply there
  11. Hm, if it were Libya, I doubt it. The US government seems to hold grudges against certain leaders. Now if it were some nation they don't have a distaste for, well it's just the UK.
  12. He's planning to out-do Tupac.
  13. Kind of odd to release him, just because he's dying (course other reasons involved). Should have brought his family and friends to see him in prison.
  14. I'm well ahead of the trend then
  15. Coming soon, Call of Booty.
  16. No need to make this bigger than it actually is. Zing. But really, not sure why EG's wasting their cycles on that.
  17. Those are the best ones though. I have those every now and then, wake up thinking I flunked Control Systems. Then realize I just choked but still escaped, also that it was 6 years ago, heh.
  18. Eh, big freaking deal.
  19. Hm, so this is sort of like Aces High, but with armour ? Sounds interesting.
  20. Reading that and (after some parsing) your belief that he's inarticulate, unintellegent and retarded is a bit baffling.
  21. Woke up, watched Arsenal blow a 4-0 lead (thank you very much, English referees) but United lost, so it's evened out. Now to decide whether or not to do Perl, C++ or Java.
  22. What trouble did you get ? I never bothered with any of the DLC, although I guess I should as I think all the ones worth getting are out now (maybe next Steam sale )
  23. Rarely, the radio station I listen to plays something different, heard this on it. Been stuck in my head all day, heh
  24. Can't let that series die.
  25. Eh, only fools preorder or get the DLC outside of some gold edition type pack
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