Well that was predictable, I guess ROK/US called their bluff. Either that or there's some back room deal that gave Kim what he wanted (Japanese showgirls?).
This is just more proof that it pays to just wait a couple of months or a year or so to buy a game.
My friends are bothering me to get BF:BC2, anyone here play it and like it ?
Helps when the original maker has some input, I guess. Then again, I'm unsure of how much Meier actually DOES. I should give that game a try, I've had enough of FIFA 11's bull**** at the moment (yeah Peter Crouch can outrun Theo Walcott, uh uh).
Glad I never got into games development. Although, that kind of BS is probably common, thankfully I've just had inept and clumsy management rather than evil
He puts a face on it. Easier to hate a man, than some nebulous bunch of hackers you've never seen. Not just the right, though, plenty of liberals here seeing the man as the new Che or Robin Hood (the last one, I dunno, but it's been said).
The zones have this familiar quest structure now, at least in Cataclysm. Arrive in, discover grave peril, the solution requires 3 or more parties to help out and you must visit each in turn and do things for them. HMm.
No it's not. It's that moment where you realize what you did wrong, and evaluate the damage done. Now the moment after the final exam, when you emerge out of the library/cafeteria/study cave and into the sunlight - that, is the most glorious moment of your life.
Man, I miss school.
Just wasted a Saturday afternoon watching the Island. Urge to go drive a Cadillac, drinking a Michelob's with my Puma encased feet on the gas pedal as I drive to get an Xbox.
So apparently, big weekend in Korea. ROK's doing drills on the island that was shelled, NK thretening war and notifying the world that this war will go nuclear and not only against ROK.
Afterlife is another one, thinking about it. It's a SimCity clone, but the humour of the punishments and virtues was great. "Unlike a certain software company, the denizens of Hell have cable..."
Would be somewhat amusing if some nutjob does off him as unlikely as that is. Naturally it'll have been the CIA that did it. But he's expendable anyway, the organization and site doesn't need him, so no loss.
Well one is usually the other. Is up here anyway, but Canadians have a cute inferiority complex, heh.