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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Oh, wow, I had forgotten all about this game. Was great fun in the campaign, shame my PC couldn't run the final mission. Hm...should look around for it again.
  2. We should have had a discussion on what classes as underrated.
  3. Wonder how the Reapers could get in that fast anyway, needing Sovereign and all. Well there's our convenient window to raise an army.
  4. Pft, some Renegade. That's called 'smart' action. The way some of the Renegade/Paragon actions are defined is a bit wonky, like the trigger when you're looking through the scope at Garrus' place.
  5. Homeworld is underrated ? Hm, always struck me as well liked, getting good marks on PCG etc.
  6. Lessee...Alpha Protocol. Everyone here knows about that. Star Wars Rebellion, I liked the game a tonne and played it quite a bit, but for some reason no one else seems to. Maybe it was too confusing for some, but the manual was very well written and explained everything (probably a cause for general dislike). Particularly for the Empire, hunting down the Rebel HQ entailled a very methodical and persistent intelligence gathering operation of sending probes, recon teams to every planet in the Outer Rim, heh. Hmm...then again, I guess I see why no one else liked it. Also : The Guild 2, people hate the micro, but eh, I rather enjoyed setting up every little bit of a system then watching it click.
  7. Jaded cynics don't anticipate anything being good..
  8. Geez, maybe you should just leave, heh, if you're wondering best to err on the safe side no ? Anyway, Hurlshot's probably correct in his prediction at the reception to the game. Not that many pirates on here, after all.
  9. Pft, wuss.
  10. Well good, imagine if you had to play those to be chipper, yikes. Maybe it's just my experience on Evil Avatar, too much of that sort, always buying hype, posting "Day one!" on the flimsiest of evidence, etc. That forum is less 'grumpy' than here, but in the bad way. Then again, this place isn't grumpy and hostile enough for my liking.
  11. Hard to find chipper without ending up awash with the COD4/Madden type of consumer gamer.
  12. This is in the field of software development, you realize... My guess is mostly lack of time to QA the game (related to money), but I find QA is something people invariably cheap out on,
  13. Most of that game's soundtrack is good, but I like that track the best. This is also a great track, perfect when I'm at Subway
  14. Safe to say, I think nuts are the problem here.
  15. Isn't that the band with crazy UFO believer ?
  16. Yes, but it's a pretty weak one, luckily it's a force of habit by now or I'd end up not bothering, heh. But that hardly qualifies as being emotionally engaged by a game, but I did say any so fair enough. In any event, if some dude's angst over losing his arms, identity or some other fanciful stuff does trigger a notable emotion, it'll be a surprise.
  17. It is strange to come across optimistic people or cheerful ones. Makes one very uneasy. Poor deluded fools!
  18. Actually, I was just playing along with that comment rather than trying to be sarcastic or mocking to you. Maybe I needed more smilies ?
  19. Hold on, let me get a violin for you.
  20. Did they ever say who made those things ?
  21. Yep, I'll have to agree with you there after hearing more of their later stuff.
  22. Worgen are the new Draenei.
  23. Filthy BSA mole.
  24. Mostly sense of accomplishment if things all fall into place due to planning and partly just to unravel the plot, but I'm not sure I could really class that as an emotion like sadness, joy, pity, etc. But then again, I've no soul
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