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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. The OC without MotB is a pain when it comes too this, believe me. You can't select all of your characters at once, they all follow you if you don't give them orders to the contrary (generally not a nuisance, but sometimes I really wanted to be sneaky with my stealthy character, and ordering everyone to just stand there was a pain), the camera is glued to the character you're controling, etc. They just took NWN's model while adding control of all your companions. A pain, I say. MotB added the Strategy Mode for the camera, a BIG improvement for me. Things are a lot better with this. Even if they forgot the unforgettable : a shortkey to select everyone at once without having to draw a selection box. For your stability problems... well, did you check your drivers are the latest available? There must be an english site that enables you to "scan" for this kind of thing. I know one (www.touslesdrivers.com) but it's in french.
  2. A question about that : since mixing Swashbuckler and Rogue seems like a very natural thing to do, I was thinking about it. You seem to have some experience with it, and I have questions : --- what race did you use? Tieflings seem like a no-brainer to me, since I like the race and their bonuses match perfectly the Swashbuckler, plus they have Rogue as a preferred class. --- did you keep the levels of Rogue and Swashbuckler balanced at all time, or did you go ahead with one class before going back to the other (getting the Insightful Strike for the Swashbuckler as quickly as possible for example)? --- Did you take the Able Learner feat? --- Is the Feint feat useful for that build? Being able to sneak attack an enemy when I'm in front of him seemed fun!
  3. Customization is fun when it's "core" to the game, I suppose. I mean, I heard only good things about the way you can create your character's appearance in City of Heroes. One must have one big imagination though. I know I don't have one.
  4. It is a chore when the base game doesn't offer anything interesting. I remember running away from Morrowind and its hideous portraits There was ONE race that had ONE good face for ONE sex in that game
  5. Same here, never had any problem leveling up. But truth is, I did regularly stopped into the swamp for some Drowner hunting, to get some money off the sweet alchemical ingredients they sometimes eave behind. Heck, all the creatures in the swamp are perfect to make money! I also never shied away from a fight and never bought anything to make the monsters avoid me. But by the point I did that, I don't think those monsters were worth a lot of XP, so it most likely isn't because of that that I regularly leveled up.
  6. Yeah, you're right, people had the exact same kind of fear and case of "hurt pride" Can't blame them I guess, I never really played a game that occurred in France for the most part
  7. I believe you can be negative but still be excited and wait eagerly for a game For example here the video looked a lot a "quake-with-mech", especially the way you just aimed at your opponent, no radar, no lock-system for you missiles, etc. If I'm wrong, say it. I really played only a little of Mechwarrior 3 after all!
  8. Not very old I think. But the video accompanying it just presented you with a generic combat level, so I never took it seriously. There is a lot of things I don't take seriously from interviews, I'm kind of a pessimistic who still enjoys his "new" games For example, it seems to me that people are buying themselves a big deception if they think every dialog in the game will change the game dramatically. This is too big of a claim to be true. I expect something more on the level of The Witcher.
  9. It's not the paladin, it's the quest. That thing is really frustrating I admit, I had to restart two ot three times to see the end (admitedly, I had a Paladin too. A Tiefling Paladin, so weaker than yours I suppose). Well, only council I can give is to used divination spell in case they have a spell on them, and go in slowly with the rogue of your party in Search mode in order to spot the enemies. Good thing with this is that as soon as they are spotted, those morons stay in Hide mode and you can kill them from a distance because they keep walking.
  10. Isn't it right at the beginning? I mean, in Deus Ex it was a surprise. Here, it's one of the basics of the story. Not that I don't agree that this game will be reminiscent of Deus Ex in some ways. Just not in the "open world feel" I think.
  11. They wanted to show Sie perhaps? The enemies in that level are just low-level mafia thugs, I suppose that the highly trained and well-equipped soldiers and commandos of the later levels shall be smarter.
  12. Isn't the first book about putting Carlos in jail ? The second was more sinister though. But Somehow I believe it to be more light-hearted Or were you talking about the movies?
  13. @ Silvernite : I didn't check, but I'm pretty sure I've already read that thing a long time ago (the Thorton joke) At that time, perhaps that they didn't know that you could tweak his face a little, because since then we know that we can. There is especially that video on a french web-site where we can see Michael with (don't laugh please) a Amish Beard
  14. You can save at any time in Splinter Cell too, no? The way I remember it, I could. On PC at least.
  15. I don't know, the game is supposed to be fun for people who likes stealth AND people who likes gunning, so the two should be equally playable. Plus, in the recent videos we've seen, the character was obviously made for gunning : in the character sheet, we saw that he chose to specialize in shotguns, guns and martial combat (you know, he had the fifteen slots opened for those three instead of 10). That must be why it appeared so easy, with the obvious invulnerable cheat that was being used (he took hits, yet didn't lose any health points).
  16. There is a HUGE difference between QTE (from behind) and actually directing him to hit.
  17. So the skills affect accuracy too? Weren't they supposed to only affect the damages? Not that I complain, I think it's good, but I would like to be sure.
  18. First infos I heard filled me with joy : a sequel to Monkey Island by Telltale Games and a remake of The Secret of Monkey Island with a new gorgeous art and an updated interface! And all of this on PC! This E3 already is good in my opinion!
  19. The first part is hilarious "Launch" and then "Splash" ... wish I was a console player
  20. I'm going to be a little HS, but you know some people think "VATS" when they hear about the Chain Shot ability, even game journalists? Did they never hear of Desperados? In that game (a Commandos-like), in order to represent the superior skills with pistols of one character, they gave him an ability that is very much like the Chain Shot : you freeze time and have three "free" shots that are delivered in one "action".
  21. Conversion to capitalism BUT with the corruption and non-democratic system still in place. Not that we have anything to say about it : how could the USA and the western European countries applaud Eltsine when he charged an elected Douma with tanks, just because they took decision he didn't like? Can we still say that now? I mean, the system that was created in the 80's by Reagan and his friends is one big and complete failure. It seems to me that working capitalism always went with some kind of government action and regulation.
  22. Ancel didn't work on any of the Rayman since the second then... it worked out just fine for Rayman 3 (LOVE that game Andr
  23. Well, it's the usual : --- DRM doesn't really work, there are still pirate versions out there --- the most awful DRM, namely the ones with a limited set of installation and a must-have internet connection scare the consumers and push them to piracy. Basically, I call it "incitation to steal"
  24. I think he means "challenging" like "Killing a dragon in BG 2 in normal settings was hard, why is it so easy in NWN 2 with hardcore settings???"
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