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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. I remember Skunkeen as someone who was quite happy to roleplay a rape sequence... *tsk* may not be the same person, but it still makes me shudder to think of this moment, even years on.
  2. Mass Effect theme live, is one of my favourite musical experience's ever... Video Games Live is well worth a look in, excellent show.
  3. Okay, you don't like it... But why? Because it's out of place. Jokes and such are all well and good but when you make snide political commentary on the current situation of the news media it just gets pretentious. Also, in game, Mengsk is supposed to have a great grasp of publicity and the power of the media, but the "Cover ups" are done so obviously I think that the population that watches have to be drugged not to see it. I don't find it pretentious, I find it to be satirical. That appears to be the whole point.
  4. Okay, you don't like it... But why?
  5. Yeah, mine turned up in my junk mail...
  6. I couldn't contain my excitement, I caved and got a copy... It's good, very good.
  7. Bit pre-mature really... The thread that is. No, I'm not all that excited about SC2, I may be later, but not today, or tomorrow.
  8. Oh dear, I think you've missed the point Volo... But hey that's okay, you rarely have a grasp of simple concepts. People quit the industry because they become sick of it.
  9. Forum, meet Joel, you've probably played a game or three he's worked on...
  10. It's far more complicated sadly... The problem actually stems from the top, the CEO's and investers etc... They want to spend as little as possible, and gain the most reward. Developers are desperate to survive it's how they earn their bread, producers and studio managers will agree to unreasonable demands and then expect the team to deliver, and sometimes through blood, sweat, and tears they do, other times they don't, the result of missing too many milestones can mean that the studio closes. People will work ridiculious hours, risking their homelife, I know one guy who hadn't seen his wife for over a month, and his kids for nearly 2 months, because the job needed doing. This is the reality of the industry.
  11. This article is an excellent insight into what its actually like on the inside, ignore Morgoth's latest demonstration of his inane ignorance, he seems to have forgotten that Obsidian have also laid people off, and treated some staff like crap, there are always reasons why people leave, etc... And it usually is to do with how the company is treating them. Just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Anyways the article touches on points which I have experienced personally, or heard of from friends who are at, or are at other companies etc... Though the most poignant and to the point part of the article is this though...
  12. True, but if it worked... They'd be blown away, or disturbed.
  13. http://www.animationarena.com/video-game-salary.html They seem right based on what I know, and have seen.
  14. I cannot speak what I think of you online. Deutschland
  15. A few years back it actually hit 30C... I know I was there, and it was relentless! The sun pretty much stuck around 24/7... I hid inside.
  16. Oh yes! Indeed, one more please!
  17. HA! you haven't seen a bug until you've seen a dev kit blue bar!
  18. Having played APB for a while longer, the game isn't great, but if you're into modding/customisation it may be your cup of tea. Just don't expect the core game to be... FUN! It's extremely repetative, dull, clunky, and unfinished.
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