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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Piracy... Because its too expensive? Nope. MYTH BUSTED! Piracy... Because of DRM? Nope. MYTH BUSTED! Piracy... Because of game quality? Nope. MYTH BUSTED! Piracy... Because people from the Intarweb have a bizzare sense of entitlement... Yup.
  2. I haven't noticed any plot holes yet. They'll become aparent when you think about it. HR is full of plot holes. You'd have to be either an idiot or ignorant to miss them.
  3. I don't actually think it is possible to rape Greek mythology more than GoW has and does... It pretty much just takes some character concepts, and throws the rest away.
  4. Wizardry VI : Bane of the Cosmic Forge. Games are nice to us in this modern age, WIZ VI is cruel, and crude, but also charming.
  5. I'm just gonna take from that, that you know absolutely nothing about Sunderland, or what's been happening there over the last 13 years. Or do you just like the BNP? Well I certainly don't support the BNP, but I just see UKIP to be a party that basically says "I'm not racist but...", which bugs me more.
  6. "They don't agree with me, they must be retards", some good logic... *claps*
  7. But according to one of their candidates the election was in April, so I'm afraid it's too late to vote for them now. Oh well. I think he won
  8. *sigh* You honestly think that. So who deals with the flash implementation within the engine...? If you're wanting to provide an out of the box solution, flash is a cheaper way of doing that, the unreal approach is an expensive way. Your own system is likely to be faster, have better memory usage, easier to maintain, unbloated etc... It always depends upon the project itself.
  9. My point is on a console its a waste of memory.
  10. Seriously dude, I just took 15 minutes to have a conversation with our GUI coders on this specific issue. With a collective experience of 20 years I think I'm going to value their opinion over your own - which doesn't appear to be an experienced perspective at all. When I'm speaking about managing memory on PC I'm talking about a different scenario, it's a simple fact that you have more resources to play with in regards to the PC, so a 10 meg footprint isn't going to hurt you in the same way that it would on a console. Its true that games have shipped with flash GUI's, on consoles and actually taken that 10 meg system hit + asset resources. That is project dependent, but just because someone has done it doesn't make it wise. I'm not anti-flash in any way shape or form, it just doesn't strike me as a sensible solution. I'm not even touching on the performance implications of using flash for GUI's. I don't think that there is any benefit to development costs, the best person for the art isn't likely to be a flash expert at all, unless you're willing to accept some mediocre bulls***. You've likely increased the size of your development team, unless you get lucky. Just because the CryEngine 2 does it, doesn't make it good, that's their solution and part of their approach which is fine. This idea that Crytek can't make dumb decision is funny, no developer is perfect. You know you can point to an example of something working in practice, but that doesn't mean its the best solution... And at the end of the day you may be pointing at the real world, that's fine you've found an example. How many developers don't use flash? I can assure you the best GUI's in the world are not flash based.
  11. It includes vector graphics, movies and animation. All the development is independent of the final implementation, in the same way that modelling, sound, motion capture, and texture are. All for a mere 10 meg, when modern PCs run on average 2gigs+ (looking at the latest steam survey). I'm not talking about PC. From the perspective of the PC this is an utterly irrelevent arguement, PC code is notorious for its sloppy memory management, you have so much memory that it isn't an issue, as you've stated. I'm also not including assets in that figure, I'm speaking specifically about the system without data. I reiterate using flash for GUI's on consoles is STUPID! It's a waste of resources.
  12. A vote for the Tory's will be just that. Don't complain when you get screwed.
  13. Can't comment on the X360 and PS3 SKU's for Crysis 2. I don't know what solution they're using. I'm not going to debate on that with you. Crysis, was a PC only release, at release it needed a monster PC. Crysis 2 will have console SKU's I'll wager they cut back on certain things as a result, but I'm not going to say that what I've seen of the Crysis 2 engine is in any way cuttingedge, not from my perspective. That doesn't mean they're not doing some nice things with their tech, but I see similar and better things everyday. Does the GUI deserve memory? Yes. Does the GUI system need to run using flash? No. So to clarify when I'm speaking about running a GUI with flash I'm not including images/fonts/textures etc... I'm speaking about the system alone. I don't know what the Crysis guys are doing with the new cryengine in regards to their GUI solution, but that doesn't mean I haven't come across exceedingly expensive GUI systems based on flash, with excessive memory footprints. A good GUI system, for an FPS can run in around 500k to 1meg + some texture budget, which is naturally dependent upon the project itself. Blowing around 10 meg is just stupid. I'm just speaking from experience here, from a PC modding perspective flash seems neat, from a console perspective its a pretty dumb call in my opinion.
  14. Interesting. I guess the same concept could be applied to Python or LUA. Neat idea. Sure but using python or lua won't come with same kind of footprint cost.
  15. It's stupid because it has a huge memory footprint, sure it works for Crysis, but it actually became a trend for a while in the industry. So you'd find PS3 and X360 games with flash GUI's. GUI's shouldn't have a footprint of 10meg's+. On PC this isn't so much of an issue.
  16. Using Flash for game GUI's is stupid.
  17. 1.) This is usually milestone related, make a milestone, get some money. It does tend to depend though on the developer/publisher. 2.) No, just time. Kuju studio's are fameous for making milestones, and not producing titles. 3.) Alot, but it depends on the size of the team and location. 4.) That depends on the deal they have with the publisher, it can range from nothing through to a percentage of profits.
  18. I always used to write my own engines. (Is till do infact) Now I work with the Ego Engine at Codemasters daily, the benefit of having written my own engines in the past is that I can contribute to any area of the codebase with confidence. That said I'm a person who learns by doing/failure, so I've already made alot of mistakes in the past, on non-professional projects when I was a student. If you're a person who learns by proxy, i.e. seeing how X is done, then I would recommend using an existing engine. That said, your first several attempts at building anything will likely be absolute failures. I would recommend that you create small simple games, asteroids, space invaders, and work from there. Set out with a particular unique goal, for example, I've done two versions of space invaders, one on PC one on PS3 & Xbox 360, over the years, both times I have focused heavily on the destructible barriers. I've done other projects aswell with other focus's, be that animation, terrains, multithreading, rendering, physics, particle systems, whatever it is that you wish to make the main focus of your learning. If you're serious about it, don't expect results within weeks. There is one rule I have which I have inherited from our Lead Programmer, make things demonstrable, that way you feel like you're making progress, because you are. Lets say I'm writing a new game engine from scratch, I know that I need all sorts of systems to make a game, both within the engine and outside of the engine. I'll need a pipeline, I'll need some tools, and I'll need a runtime codebase. Depending on the nature of the game I would get something on screen first, for example, say I'm making space invaders. The first thing I will do is draw a sprite on screen, then I'll build an animation engine, then perhaps some basic physics, then entity systems, meanwhile I'll focus on making the more complete systems data driven (This probably mean building some tools). Once I have enough systems in place I'll begin to focus on some basic gameplay mechanics, after that its just a matter of iteration and expansion through the addition of new features. Then I finish up by profiling and optimizing
  19. Alot of those guys are still around in the Guildford area, they're just working on different teams.
  20. I work with a few guys who worked on Syndicate Wars back in the Bullfrog days... Nothing interesting, just thought I'd boast
  21. Yes. Not much to tinker with, to be honest. Checked it out. Seems everyone in that thread using Windows 7 has the same problem as I and their fixes doesn't help either. I guess it's just another Windows 7 problem. Good old Windows 7.. Seems I'm the lucky guy then, since I have Windows 7 64. Same here and I had no issue. Dump your spec here if you could mkreku.
  22. I'd like to see a voxel based ray tracer in a game. We needs more CPU's though...
  23. GoWIII. Bad Company 2. Master of Orion. and Bodycount...
  24. I agree, Alien vs Predator 2 is far better than Out of this World. I don't see your point though I think you need to lay off the crack Darque.
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