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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. It's no more an excellent movie than it is an excellent game. It's an excellent thing out there on its own being well, fun, entertaining, and well excellent. It's fresh, but not a game or a movie. Think interactive story experience.
  2. I found it all hilarious. Seriously though, it wasn't clear to me exactly what was causing the problem when I created the thread, atleast there was no official word. I don't believe everything that's posted on kotaku. Purkake...
  3. http://kotaku.com/5482328/ps3s-suffering-f...etwork-lockdown I have a Slim. I'm fine.
  4. Objectively looking at a game you've worked on and saying it's pretty good, isn't that like wearing a dress you've been raped in?
  5. played with the Cell processor till my brain hurts, and then did some more.
  6. Poor Josh, he's certainly had a run of bad luck.
  7. Heck, I'm even in that rare breed of individuals who liked Total Annihilation: Kingdoms. Nothing like an army of Mage Archers spamming down anything that stood in their path. I never played it sadly. I just think the tech is pretty awesome, I'm loving their new art style.
  8. I love SupCom... I loved TA, I'm pretty certain I will love SupCom2.
  9. plethora - no. But gears is a pile of bobbins compared with Uncharted or ME 2, or well anything that uses the cover mechanic. The reason is simple, an entire clip to kill enemies is BAD!
  10. Cinematic Story-Driven 3rd Person Shooter. That's what they are to me at least.
  11. Real easy to get setup, works fine with Windows 7 x64 too
  12. Damn right, caffine should be banned. So many people are addicted to this horrible substance.
  13. Aram I believe this could be considered vindication? On another note, all except Trokia running a successful company are opinions. What you call dumbed down, I would call elegant and streamlined. Bethesda, for many people, made a worthy successor. It is your opinion that it is not.
  14. *chuckles* The PC version does look alot better than the console version.
  15. I don't know about that being the reason. Is this just you insinuating your opinions as fact again? *yawn* What other reason could there be? The Alien wasn't easy to control with a mouse and keyboard at former speeds, how would you control it with a gamepad considering how much you have to use the mouse/pointer to change direction when wallcrawling. It would be downright unplayable. Its downright unplayable period. I don't think that its related to the console version, I just feel its a badly made game. In that respect its opinion. I can certainly make a few phone calls and find out if that is the genuine reason for the slower aliens. Though when sprinting I found them to be pretty speedy.
  16. Is this just you insinuating your opinions as fact again? *yawn* Nah, because the rendering is very basic from a technical point of view
  17. Just giving the Battlefield Bad Company 2 demo a spin. The PS3 version is better than I expected.... Doesn't look quite as nasty as the XBox version... Hmmm odd, maybe it was the TV difference.
  18. Sure, but it was a better game than Gears 2.
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