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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Over the years you've grown on me KK... I now find you amusing opposed to annoying.
  2. Are you playing it on the DS? DosBOX. From GoG.com.
  3. Jagged Alliance, the orginal one that is... Mmmmm I like dis game.
  4. Really boring day... Was really tired all day too... But I did play some BC 2... And found that to be... Average
  5. It very much used to be that way in the 90's.
  6. I think my feelings and thoughts on this topic are well known. Both are as bad as each other.
  7. Nightshape


  8. You lost me there... is the problem with the different long sizes in x86 and x64 platforms? I thought it was language platform specific. Does your language default that to long int or long float I'm probably totally wrong. Stab in the dark, a guess. It could be a number of things but it's likely type related, as the issue's don't exist for x86 systems atleast that's what seems to be the case. It could be a pointer, or something akin to that causing a mismatch. Basically I'm guessing that at some point the code attempts to do something which returns a larger byte size or address pointer which is obviously incorrect. In all honesty I don't know, I've never written anything for x64 platform.
  9. But he never does shirt signings. I know On another note, I believe that the problems are probably related to 64 Bit OS's. Afterall I'm running win 7 x64 and I've had myself some issues. Someone somewhere in the code likely did something like this: long foo = 0; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(foo); ++i) { ... }
  10. "Playing a game you've worked on, is like asking a woman to wear the dress she was raped in." - Max Cant.
  11. Ladies... And Gentlemen! I want to introduce you to the legend of the acursed Black Isle. Scurge of the Obsidian forum, with his patented VologicTM approach to discussion. Regardlessm some people even agree with him, but he's back on form, and making his inane opinion known, no matter how dim witted, or how bad his logic. It is with great pleasure I would like to introduce you to the man, the myth and the legend. Volourn!
  12. There's alot of misinformation in that article. Or should I say half-truths. That said... I'm dead set against this crazy price for a few maps.
  13. Mmmm... Sim Concentration Camp. That, while in very bad taste I can accept. This, I shall never accept.
  14. Not true. What bugs are you refering to? I didn't encounter a single one in my playthrough. On PeeCee. How can you actually state, explicitly that my experience hasn't been buggy. I knew you was dim but geez. It's been everything from CTD, to items removing themselves from the inventory, to not recieve'in quest rewards. This is when I've gone back and played through the original campign after installing the expansion, which wasn't so bad .
  15. Perforce: Integration... I've played better.
  16. Small country's with lowish populations surrounded by neighbours who are/have been aggressive. I can understand conscription in relation to that. Doesn't make it right naturally, but I can understand why. I don't think the way the American military deals with it is much better. "You poor?" "Yes" "Want to go to College?" "Yes" "Well now you can, all you have to do it join up, oh there is a chance that you may get blow to tiny piece's but you can certainly go to college" *sigh* being poor in America sucks.
  17. Still a bit uncanny valley. They need to learn how to do consistancy within the story, MAJOR plot holes just result in the executions of an epic facepalm. They need to fix the basic gameplay, holding R2 to move COME ON!
  18. It's better than some of the other garbage that's appeared. Completely agreed on this one... Sure, but it's broken *shruggs*. As a game its bad, and as a story its broken. Sure it's a fun engaging enough experience, at times, but I'm not certain that the result is that good. I'd have to give it another play through and compare. As it stands now, it's not doing alot well.
  19. Yeah, everyone Ive met from the dev team are really nice people. Their problem is probably with the management, who seem to take all the wrong turns and put their money on really horrible game ideas. Pretty much what they said... They sacked the entire Gameplay team at one point. I won't be buying JC 2.
  20. No, I think you understood what I was saying. Excellent... Excellent... Something.
  21. I like dis picture. Acti-Blizz is evil... Me wants to watch it burn.
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