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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Like I keep up with Venezuela's news 24/7. Besides, it is all the media Chavez has shut down, not just one guy. Chavez is power hungry and he justifies it by convincing himself and his people that he is helping, but truth is he is just another petty dictator. No better than those he opposed.
  2. Its just a wee needle! Don't be a cry baby! BWAAHAAAHAAAAA!
  3. Just because the media doesn't like your policies does not give a government the right to censor them. A democracy cannot exist without a free media.
  4. One man's truth is another man's lie.
  5. In any case if these terrorists are caught, with Putin in charge I doubt they will get a nice cushy cell like those at Gitmo.
  6. So, even if the majority in the South wanted the Jim Crow laws that discriminated against blacks you would be okay with that? After all the majority of the representatives passed them so it is okay to treat blacks as second class citizens, beat them if they get out of line, and do the old time lynching thing once in a while.
  7. Nope, never heard of it. Also I don't give a rat's arse about the "white man's burden." In my ever so humble opinion it is a load of bull. If a nation can't stand on its own they deserve to be taken over. If a nation can successfully remove the yoke of tyranny then they deserve to be free. I don't see that as an issue of being white, black, or anything in between. That is just how the human race is like. It has been that way for thousands of years and will continue to be that way for thousands of years to come.
  8. "You want me to stick this in my heart!" Those things were wicked looking. At least the ones I had access to while in the Navy were.
  9. Yes, but should those rights and privileges or a lack thereof discriminate against a minority?
  10. I see it as a yes or no question. You are either for allowing a majority to dictate the rights and privileges of a minority or not.
  11. I think the only one you remember the password for is mine. Yeah, I think you are right.
  12. I could act a little more irrational if you guys want? I could bring in the whole crowd to! Sand, Ares Draxus, Judge Hades, and Six Foot Rabbit. We could have a blast!
  13. This November the Governor elections are taking place in Iowa. A lot of Republicans wants to create a Constitutional amendment to our state's Constitution to ban gay marriage. Stupid and bigoted, eh? Any hoot, there are three front runners on the Republican side and I sent each one an e-mail that asked: Should a majority have the ability to determine the rights and privileges of a minority? I wonder if I will get an answer...
  14. So? I just didn't know that. I am sure you have a few choice words about LoF's perceptions about your home country.
  15. "Untrained courage is useless in the face of educated bullets, because I don't like eating fish, and I realize, Oh my God.... I could be eating a slow learner."
  16. I have issues with authority and I made it through. Though I almost got a Section 8 out of the deal...
  17. The Republicans had their chance to fix health care when they controlled the House, Senate, and the White House. They failed.
  18. I do think that the discipline is needed in our youth, conscripting should not just be limited to men nor limited to military service. Both military or civil service of some form should be at a mandatory 2 year term.
  19. Yes, there are real injustices in the world. A drawing Muhammad isn't one of them. Anyone who is "offended" by words or pictures need thicker skins. Sure you can use words and pictures back at them. That is fine. Going after them with bombs and hatchet axes is not. The problems with Israel needs to be addressed with more force in my opinion. As for theocratic Islamic countries, theocracies are the worse form of government. I would rather live under LoF's socialistic "utopia" than any theocracy, and no theocracy should have nuclear weapons or power.
  20. The whole notion of decentralized power just doesn't pan out in the 21st century. An individual state just does not have the resources on its own. That is why we either need to break up the nation to force multiple centralized governments or a single centralized government. Other nations that have a strong centralized government are surpassing us. The 50 states model is failing.
  21. How about a anti-social social liberal, fiscal conservative?
  22. Political theater? We have had a president killed in a theater.
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