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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. How about you reverse it. Have the House of Lords be electable with the requirement being they have to be nobility of some sort, with the House of Commons not being elected, but drawn at random by lottery from the common folk to serve 4 to 6 years.
  2. Very very few murderers are likely to kill you if they are already dead.
  3. Obviously you failed at getting the Robocop reference. Damn shame. Just for your information, I do agree.
  4. That reminds me of a ice storm we had here in Iowa a few years back. There was this one very large and very old tree that broke in four sections. Two fell toward the house but it fell as a "V" so the main trunks missed hitting it. The one of the other two sections struck a house across the street. Power lines were down everywhere as well. There was a quarter inch think of ice coating everything. It took the city to clean up all the mess till the end of summer.
  5. Only if it is that banana chip flavored beer from Germany. Can't remember the name but it tasted like banana chips and was from Germany. It was some form of wheat beer. Quite tasty.
  6. Don't you make me cross the pond, Walsh. I will smell like wet dog and beat you with that stick! Grrrr...
  7. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGH! Damn bloody place was closed! CLOSED ON A FRAKIN' MONDAY! What kind of government office is closed on the first business day of the week!?!?!?! DAMNABLE BASTARDS!
  8. I am off to take the written test for getting a driver's license! Then visiting my mom.
  9. They should have been executed for what they did. For some acts there is no redemption possible.
  10. *Invoking Goodwin's Law* You know, Hitler was a vegetarian.
  11. Dragon Age... Still... Have to beat game before expansion's release...
  12. Eh, what? I don't think that Iran would directly attack Israel. They would do so with proxies like they have been for decades. Israel on the otherhand I cna see them doing direct military intervention, with or without the US blessing.
  13. There is no greater weapon than to protect oneself and belongings than one that can be used to take the belongings and the life of another than the gun.
  14. A government that doesn't serve the will of the people, to serve the needs of which it governs is a government that needs to be removed from power.
  15. When it comes to legs it would depend if barbecue sauce was involved or not.
  16. In this dying world there is a shadow of a smile I dare not see but it is always there in my mind. I walk against the wind trying to understand, to find what is within the wastes that has spread for miles. A cry for help, a cry for freedom, cry for something that is unfathomable clouds my irrational thought. Some say it is madness, some say it cannot be brought by mortal hands, however it keeps me laughing. Crowds, always pushing and pulling without an end enraptured in their own struggles, acting so clueless to the truth that beckons them, ever so worthless. By blade or bullet, they come with ideologies to defend... Unable to see one truth, dead is dead and all life leads to it
  17. Come on now, Walsh. Everyone knows they aren't suppose to save anyone.
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