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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. With all of his nuttiness, one of the nations I can see rising from the US divided corpse would be a heavily socialistic nation.
  2. Like the US will be around at that point, Gifted1.
  3. How about we remove the whole election process of Congress altogether. Instead we have a randomizer pool. At each point where election would be up, a computer randomly picks a US Citizen out of the population to serve as senator or representative. The only requirements would be that he or she must be a legal citizen, 18 years of age, and not currently in active duty in the military.
  4. That is exactly what Alf Landon said about Social Security. We are still here 70 years later.
  5. Nice story. However I do believe we will have a civil war first.
  6. That is the fault of our tax system, and not the health care bill. Personally I would love to get rid of taxes based on what we earn, and replace it with taxes based on what we spend. A federal sales tax would be more fair for everyone involved.
  7. I have been through many countries and many foreign cities. Bahrain, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Perth, Tijuana, Minnesota, to just name a few. I don't see how the freedom as stated in the Bill of Rights have been impeded on by this newly signed bill.
  8. Except for the Reconstruction bull, we became a stronger nation and a stronger people for it.
  9. Well, I happen to love my country and its statements like that that make me wish the was a little button on my side that, when depressed, would send a fist out on your side. Really? What is to love about this country? We have politicians that drip with corruption. We have states who think it is to okay to amend their constitution to discriminate minorities. We have religious nut jobs that want to put leash laws on woman and control their wombs. Our country's debt is owned by an enemy power. What is to love about this country, Gifted1?
  10. Amentep, we all are paying taxes in some form or another into the government. May they be property taxes, taxes on the phone and utility bill, income taxes, sales taxes, and what not. This health reform is going to be paid by these taxes we all are paying into.
  11. You don't seem to know me very well, Gifted1. I want this to happen not to get the benefits, but to see this country tear itself apart. I firmly believe that this country would be better off if it was split into smaller nations. Health care is one of the biggest schism in this country. If we continue to follow schism after schism, our politicians will cause a civil war along ideological lines which the end result would be a sundered country. United we fall. Divided we stand.
  12. They are politicians. Corruption and politics go hand and hand.
  13. Again, you act like this is the first time this has happen. Is it ok? Nope. Is it how U.S. politics is played? Yep. Always have and always will.
  14. Oh, that warm and giggly feeling is back.
  15. Of course there are backroom deals. HELLO! U.S. POLITICS CALLING! In every bill there are backroom deals. The only difference between Democrats and Republicans on this issue is that the Republicans can hide it better. If you think this is the first bill in the history of the United States that has ever had backroom deals done you are sadly naive.
  16. If they are gutted. In any case it is encouraging to see politicians do what is good for the US over what is good for their careers.
  17. Bush had as much to do with 9/11 as Obama was born in Kenya.
  18. Just because they have romances? That is disturbing. I just consider them as an added bonus if they fit with the story. A real drag if not.
  19. Isn't that Alexei Sayle from Revelation of the Daleks?
  20. I am believing that the Illuminator is more touched in the head than LoF. I didn't think that was possible.
  21. I just cannot imagine someone so desperate to actually pay for something like this.
  22. The schism of this bill and among other issues is why I believe this nation, and we as a people, would be better off if we broke ourselves up into smaller nations.
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