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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. False imprisonment would mean criminal charges, wouldn't it?
  2. Agreed. Aaron Burr! WE NEED YOU! *Killian sings once more* Hey, Aaron Burr. Where are you? We got some shooting to do now! Aaron! Aaron Burr! Hey, Aaron Burr! Where are you?!?!?
  3. I haven't liked clowns since Tim Curry's role in a certain Steven King movie.
  4. Then Iowa would be perfect. I can bring him to near death and keep his body frozen with all of our snow. Then I can come to Australia, pretending to be Gorth, and begin my mad conquest for beachfront property!
  5. Of course it has. The more a publisher touts its new copy protection the more that pirates are motivated to tell them "NAH NAH NYAH NAH!"
  6. Well, you can show up Gorth, then I can knock you unconscious and take your place back in Australia. Hi-jinks ensues!
  7. Yeah. They take away the body. Every single time I sit down for dinner.
  8. Why? Iowa is such a fun place to live. REALLY!
  9. I just have to shake my head on this. The best way to promote piracy is to piss off enough gamers with stupid copy protection schemes that makes them want to pirate the game in protest. No single player game should require the person be online to play the game. Stupidest copy protection ever.
  10. http://kotaku.com/5485148/video-game-hall-...class-in-august Sometimes I just have to wonder about the state I live in.
  11. Within 5 to 10 years I expect a fist fighting in our Congress. Within 20 to 30, civil war.
  12. If I feel yours will you feel mine?
  13. The prblem is that there are way too many ideologies being played about inside the US. People are yelling and screaming and ready to fight. The US is on the verge of civil war and its not going to be as clear cut as North versus South. There will be many differing ideological fronts and each will be at each other's throat.
  14. JE, didn't answer my questions. *sniff*
  15. I'LL START! J.E., what's your favorite GO-BOT! Also, who do you think is a better match for Tenchi? Ryoko or or Ayeka?
  16. Break up the nation into 13 nation states, each with there own militaries, government, and whatnot. Have a singular currency, like the EU's Euro, and a joint defense force. That could work.
  17. They will release information about the game when they are ready and not before. Patience.
  18. I WANT GROIN SHOTS! I want to kick Super Mutants in the jimmy and I want them to feel it!
  19. One that can be seen from the Alps, situated in Berlin, just like his mentor planned for himself. HEY! You leave Ashton Kucher out of this!
  20. That is a rather harsh view. Everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves.
  21. I don't think anyone here is trying to say make it the only way to save. Making it tied to the difficulty slider would be the best way of doing it, or check in a box in the options screen.
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