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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Kind of like Ironman mode in ToEE? Is that what you are talking about, Roch? The game only saves when you are logging out.
  2. Not so much, Volourn. I am not for the whole zero telerance, lock them all up type of mentality any more. I do think that each case should be taken individually and the kid given a full psych review to see if the child would benefit from rehab. If so, have the child go through counseling, rehab, continual psych evals and if he or she progressed well enough then released on the 18th birthday. If not, delay til the 21st. If still not deemed ready to join society then off to prison.
  3. Conjecture, I am sure. We won't know for certain until we do place UHC for 300+ million people. I don't see why we couldn't give it a try for 5 years. If it doesn't work out then let it expire and try something else. You do hit a very good point, Gorgon. This country is too big. Too many different ideologies, too many people thinking there was is the only best way, just too many people. IThat is why I think that it would be best to break up the US into smaller nations.
  4. Very funny. I should smack you whipper-snappers back to last Tuesday.
  5. Probably something minor. There are some hospitals that charge $1000 for a toothbrush, $100 for a single pill of over the counter strength Tylenol.
  6. I was in law enforcement. My quality of life has improved somewhat since exiting that field of work. Of course, being a cop with a law degree will get you endless amounts of nookie - that I miss. You did it for the nookie?
  7. Really? http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/07/01/waiting.r...eath/index.html http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=3273239&page=1 And that is just after a quick search. Who knows how many times this has happen and the hospitals successfully covered it up.
  8. I consider anyone under 18 as a kid. Hell, some days I consider anyone under 30 as a kid.
  9. There would be no way I could pay that. They would probably just let me die on the emergency room floor like so many have already.
  10. Then their government has failed them and its time for a new government.
  11. Will it be canon? Only if there isn't a net.
  12. Children shouldn't need to be employed. They should focus on being kids, and on going to school. The only reason I got a job when I was a kid was to pay for my gaming.
  13. They can enforce it by increasing the tariffs on imported goods made by that company. Instead of paying the government, lets say $10 on a load of IPOds they force Apple to pay $100 on a load of IPods. We are talking about companies here, Volourn, not individuals.
  14. Maybe Apple should have checked into these companies before doing business with them.
  15. *Killian begins to sing* June 1st is when we're gonna make it happen That night we'll put all other things aside Get it this time and show me some Protocol We're gamin' for those pleasures in the night I want to play you, feel you, punch the keyboard for you I want to beat you, please you, I just can't get enough And if you bullet time I'll let it go I'm so excited and I just can't fight it Been a year in this state and I can't hide it Nearly costed me my job but I can't deny it And I know I know I know I know I know I want you
  16. I'm very happy that you can't - your laws do not universally fit every country. I simply wish the majority of companies would shift their production to India instead (it's as cheap in many cases), we need to support an Asian democracy instead. I think that a US company needs to adhere to US laws, even if their products are made in another country. I think that would be a very good idea.
  17. I have this really weird bug going on with my sound card. It keeps shuffling my speakers around. I have the Soundblaster Xi-Fi with 5.1 speakers and once I have them set in the proper order, a day or so later they get shuffled around. Sounds from my center speaker is suddenly Center Right, the Left Center is now Behind Right. Behind Left is at Center. Is this a good sign I need a new soundcard or is this a driver issue, or an issue with my speakers. ITS FRAKIN' MADDENING!
  18. It makes sense. The military industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and in order for them to make money there needs to be war and conflict.
  19. Here in Iowa,the youngest a kid can work at a regular job is 16, and they can only work part time until they reach 18. Before that there is work as a paperboy, but limited to no more than 100 addresses.
  20. You know, that actually sounds pretty cool.
  21. This sort of behavior is intolerable. It is too bad we can't enforce US labor laws and practices on US companies that manufactures materials out of the states. What I like to see is that if a country wants to do business with the US they need to adhere to our laws on use of labor, the use of hazardous materials, and minimum wage requirements. If they do not, place a heavy tariff on all imported goods.
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