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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Absolutes is all we have. There are no shades of gray. You are either for the health care law or you are oppose it. You are either Pro-Life, or Pro-Choice. You are either for stricter immigration reform, or for amnesty. In the realm of politics, you are either for something or against it. The polarization of opposite ideologies leave no room for compromise. Only absolutes.
  2. There is going to be a time when the debate is over. That time is fast approaching. The use of threats and breaking windows is just the beginning. The use of bricks is the beginning. Next will be the use of guns and the flying of bullets. It is just a matter of time of which side will shoot first.
  3. While I may not know you personally, Gifted1, but I know your type. I understand a great deal of things as well. I know that when the time comes there will be a fight between people like you and people like me, and it will be bloody and no one will win. You seem to be the type to fight and kill for what you deem to be right. I know I am. What we both believe to be right are irreconcilably opposed. There can be no compromise. So, what does that leave us?
  4. QUIET YOU! People expect wild speculations and melodrama from me, and damn I will provide!
  5. You don't know what is going to happen in 7 years. No one does. No one knows what things are going to be like in 1 year. Predictions and speculation does not equal hard facts.
  6. Of course he does. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if he participated. I'm betting that he will be cheering when the first death happens or if someone takes a pot shot at Obama.
  7. This is just the beginning stirrings. I am betting within 5 to 15 years we will have home grown terrorists that will make what McVeigh did seem like a Fourth of July celebration.
  8. PIXIE STICK! *pounces on ThePixiesRock and shoves a German Chocolate Cake down his throat*
  9. Listen to the Hades, the Hades is good. Except when I am Sand.
  10. HELLO! It was a joke. Sheesh, you are way too serious, Ill-man. I know a lot of about Islam, I just don't care. The average Muslim probably cares less about my beliefs than I do of theirs. In other words, Ill-man. "Lighten" up.
  11. Respect is indeed a two way street. Just make sure you don't get squashed while trying to cross it.
  12. What is really fun is to mix and match quotes. "The death of one is a tragedy, so don't eat the yellow snow." "We all assume that the Dude abides." "Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."
  13. Eh? Weirdness. Anyhoot, I visited my mom today. We had a nice conversation while watching Bonnie Hunt.
  14. This. As we speak every man, woman and child in this country is on the hook for $41,000.00 in debt. Now toss on another TRILLION so 90% of the country can pay for the 10% that dont have insurance and its easy to see this is an unsustainable model. Hurlshot bemoaned "how could anyone be expected to pay off an $80,000.00 hospital bill" when in fact weve mortgaged our childrens futures to an amount that cant be realistically paid off, all so we can have a circle jerk and congratulate ourselves on funding a program that only 10% of our citizens needed. Talk about poor return on an investment... You do know that it will also effect current insurance rates and how small and medium businesses provide insurance for their workers. It just doesn't help those at or below the poverty line, but also strengthens the middle class.
  15. Maybe you should have used a towel afterwards. I know. I know. Blood stains are such a bother to get out.
  16. What did one knight say to the other during a peasant revolt?
  17. "Beloved slaves of Allah" "beloved slaves" I didn't think Allah (God) was into BDSM. And since God is often seen as a male figurehead...
  18. Bah, generations ago the world was hellish just as it is today as it will be tomorrow and years to come.
  19. Hey, I think it could be fun. Have some bugger just out of high school, working at McDonald's, suddenly becomes a Senator for his state. HA!
  20. There will never be a "US divided corpse," we are one people and one nation. We might lose Alaska and Hawai'i simply to geo-political concerns, but the lower 48 will be forever united. There are many ethnic groups within our nation, but we are all Americans. We are divided by irreconcilable ideological differences on many issues. Equal rights for Homosexuals, Abortion, Immigration Reform, Health care, issues on education, and so forth and so on. These schisms will tear our country apart. Civil war will not come because of ethnicity or by a cluttering of states, but due to our ideological differences that swarms in every population.
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