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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. It stems from the fact that Christianity and Islam has, for the most part, been at each other's throats for centuries, and when the typical Western mindset thinks about Islam they see Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, and Iran. Which completely ignores the fact that the greatest concentration of Muslims in the world resides in Indonesia, not the Middle East.
  2. I think that Americans, generally speaking, find violence more socially and openly acceptable than sex, but enjoys sex more but prefers to keep it as private about it as possible.
  3. Right on, Tigger. The right of Free Speech trumps any religious scripture.
  4. I am watching the new Doctor Who.
  5. When God gets drunk we get the platypus.
  6. My view of God is that He is an egotistical narcissus that thinks He has no accountability due to the power He possesses. Might makes right and all that. He claims that he is a loving God, but those who do not grovel before Him He tortures for all eternity, free will or not. In the case of Satan, John Milton's Paradise Lost, one of my favorite pieces of literature, explores Satan's role in God's creation. If you haven't read it as of yet, Walsh, I highly recommend it.
  7. Does this have to happen during "strap-on saturday"? "Gah! What are you doing! Get that straw out of my ear! AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!"
  8. That's okay. Google changed its name to Topeka.
  9. I am not an atheist. Belief does not equal worship.
  10. Just because something declared a sin doesn't stop from people from doing it or be supported by the clergy of a religion. Pedophilia and rape is considered a sin in Christianity, yet the Catholic Church has done its best to cover up and help the priests that did such acts. Honor killings happen, and yes that is a sin, yet in many areas of the world Islamic imams support it and encourage it. This is why I don't like any of the Abrahamic religions and why I don't like their God.
  11. Why would anyone want to make ticks?
  12. Well, it saves money and resources on a correctional system.
  13. Stupid question, yes, however a lot of stupid people still compare games to real life. They have been doing that since White Box Dungeons and Dragons.
  14. The question is which is worse: It being done in a game or done in real life? I have seen the game. Not overly impressed by it. With the right mods for Fallout 3 you can do a lot worse.
  15. And as much resources Chavez has now he could just buy off the people such organization would send or simply deny them access to his country.
  16. Well, this liberal prefers to only attack those who have proven themselves to be a direct threat against the United States. The Taliban and AL Qaeda prved that. We should wipe them out, erase their existence off this mudball. Iraq was not a direct threat of the United States therefore we should have never invaded. Indirect threats, such as China, we simply have nothing to do with. Remove our ambassadors, set an embargo against them, and do not have any relations with them whatsoever.
  17. Yeah, except for the part where Chavez was democratically elected in every election. Stop swallowing US propaganda about him. They United States continually and effectively produces false propaganda about its strategic, political or economic enemies. The fact that it does not have a state press has never stopped it. And who controls the elections... The government. His government.
  18. That is why you must, from time to time, splat reality, in the form of a frying pan, in the face of a bureaucrat.
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