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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Now, lets not be too cruel to LoF. Let him do his ranting and raving. Free speech and all that.
  2. Who the frak cares what Germany does? I don't. I live in the US and what happens in the US only matters to me.
  3. Funny you say that. Yesterday and the day before I was coughing so bad you would think that I was a 20 year long chain smoker.
  4. Which is a good thing in my opinion. There are some crimes that deserve removal/revenge style punishment.
  5. Speaking of sausages I am in a mood for some bratwurst. Hmmm.... Cheesy bratwurst...
  6. What the hell? You sound like a 40 year old woman, man! Chocolate? Since when did chocolate stop a broken heart? I mean, except literally. DO NOT DISS THE CAKE!
  7. Neo-nazis are not a joke. The NSM has murdered people. They believe in the forcible deportation of all non-whites from the United States. They are a racist, criminal hate gang and no, their speech is not OK. The Freedom of Speech applies here. Go ahead and disagree with them, you have that right just as they have the right to speak their minds.
  8. I do think it is a good way to handle drug based crimes, low to non-violent crimes, and victimless crimes.
  9. Okay, this has me a tad bit nervous. 3 days ago I was at 348 and now I am at 341, but beyond a little muscle cramping I feel good right now. More energy than I have ever had to be honest. Maybe it is the combination of juice with high fiber foods that is cleaning out the old bile weight but still. Seven pounds in three days does not sound healthy to me.
  10. Still! That is a lot of sausage. Of course this is a guy that has reduced himself from eating a pound of hamburger at a meal to 4 ounces.
  11. If I try to eat a pound of sausage I would probably vomit. Most people I know eat chocolate if they get love-sick. Nothing is better than German Chocolate Cake to solve that problem.
  12. I did see an report about how Brown forgot his mic was still on after having a tit for tat with a nice old lady. It is interesting to see that sort of thing among politicians. I think that all politicians should have mics on at all moments. Yes, at all moments.
  13. What worries me about this oil spill is hurricane season. A solid hurricane could drive the oil from the spill deep into the mainland, causing greater environmental havoc. Hell, if a spark happens from a power line, BOOM!
  14. Exactly. Remember Han Solo's reaction when Leia told him Luke was his brother, then he remembered that kiss on Hoth... That look was priceless.
  15. Down to 348 now, but due to the health difficulties I plan on seeing a doctor this coming week. I wish I lived in England about this time. It isn't something I can afford nor is it something I can get financial aid for either. On a good not though, one of my regulars gave me a 10 speed bike in solid condition for free. It is a bit big for me but I plan on taking it to a bike shop to get it fully checked and if possible get it where I can ride it comfortably. The sad thing is that I haven't rode a bike in a quarter century. 25 fraking years!
  16. I should make my own Internet News Opinion Channel. Left or right, it doesn't matter, only how insane you are.
  17. I don't know if it is really a benefit due to the added cost but I am getting thinner. I am going to have to buy new clothes soon. There are days I feel really great and there are days that I feel completely worn down. Give and take I guess. I am still plugging at it so eventually I will get more good days than bad. Right now it is 50/50. I just like to know where this milk craving is coming from.
  18. You got that right. Anyway I did do a check on my blood pressure. It is 158/102 which is high, but I suspecting it was higher before I started my diet.
  19. There is no space for gardening unfortunately but that bit about toxins is good info to know. Who knows how much toxicity I have stored up. EEP! :
  20. I took a nap and feel a little better. The headache is still there, but I dread eating anything. I still have that craving for milk...
  21. Okay, I think I reached some sort of threshold today. I feel god awful. I vomited twice today, and not with the usual acid kick. I have a massive headache, joints feel like crap, I am unable to see straight, and severely fatigued.
  22. LoF, Marxism doesn't need to be more insulted. It has you.
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