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Everything posted by Ommamar

  1. Inventory management isn't the worse I have seen but is usually one of the things that can be improved/changed in most games. I think it is kind of a trap developers fall into while building a game they get things functioning inventory wise then move on to develop new systems and content with the though we will come back to tweak it. Then during testing everyone gets use to how the inventory works so it keeps being placed on the development bottom shelf. Which eventually ends up in the released game that is experienced by players in the wild outside the development environment where it is often modded by the community to be more streamlined and functional.
  2. That would be a good way to go! To original poster what was you opinion of the hard game level, or did you try it? I will play supernova but I think it is wise to play on normal setting on a new game until I understand the game systems and if I have a party/companions how much I can do with them. Each to their own and it is your time just has me scratching my head when I see people start the game on the hardest difficulty then say dang this is hard!
  3. If you mean will they say ever not slot a weapon so far I would go with no. Both Vicar and Pavarati indicated their strengths and preferences on what kind of weapon they would prefer. I have had Vicar not use a grenade launcher I gave him although he slotted it no problem. This might be a way to control how they attack in combat though so far I haven't found a melee weapon they wouldn't use.
  4. I agree companions aren't the smartest but I don't understand why people want to start out the game on the hardest difficulty with very clearly explained penalties and stuff you have to manage before really seeing how the game and systems work. I did see a perk to both increase and decrease the aggro companions will produce, I have not tried them so I can't speak for how effective they are. You can also increase the durability of companions through your skills, their perks and giving them better equipment. They will probably still do dumb things if you don't micromanage them but they would be more likely to survive. A couple changes I could think of is allow players to customize the difficulty so they can choose different option such as I want to worry about food , water, and sleep but not have the penalty of losing my companion if they die. Another thing that is kind of amazing is that in quite a few of the older RPG games you could get pretty specific on how the party members you had gathered reacted to things. Such as dictating what attack they used at what range and when to use the attack, when to heal, when to retreat from combat and where to retreat to. All this was allowed through scripts you could choose or if you wanted to go extreme actually write out in a text document that you could insert into the game. Somewhere and for some reason that idea seems to have died out or at least I haven't seen it in any modern games I have played.
  5. I bought this digitally from Game Stop but had to redeem the code on Epic games, I was told if I had held on to the code until it released on steam I could of used it then. I wasn't to keen though on paying $63 and waiting for a year to play this game. I agree that they really botched the release by limiting it to two sites that a lot of people have a history/dislike for. I am hoping other companies look at the response, as well as Obsidian/Microsoft, and realize it is not a good idea to create drama for people who just want to play your game.
  6. I remember something in the tutorial that you have to leave for a period of time for things to cool of. I don't recall the exact time frame and I am sure it will be a hassle to have to leave then come back at a later time.
  7. I know that the heavy armor my current build is using drops stealth a noticeable amount.
  8. Just the fact that there are ten mods up on nexus two days after release is an indicator there is interest., hopefully it snowballs and we get some good player made development. Along with the DLC I am expecting Obsidian to produce.
  9. If you hold down E you will loot everything from a container/corpse. I agree they could of done a better job of showing transition onto the planet. They already had a animation when you leave the first so just a slight modification and it could of been used as a landing animation. I look forward to mods and it will be interesting to see where they take DLC,
  10. I have generally just been breaking down things in my inventory but that is mostly to keep my equipped gear repaired.
  11. There doesn't appear to be but I hope one is added in a patch, such a simple quality of life that doesn't effect the character but so helpful to the player. No idea why the decision was made not to have one programmed at launch.
  12. One of the marks to me of a great RPG is one that makes me want to go back to play the content in a different way whether that be a different build that uses a different play style or one that will make different decisions. I have come across several small decisions and one big one that has me already wondering about them, so I am sure I will be playing several alternate characters for some time. I am not sure how things will cascade as the story goes along but already seen how decisions can effect the world of the NPC's and possible close of content for the build the decision is made on.
  13. If you are talking about the special it looks like you have to put skills into leadership to unlock that ability.
  14. When you see an enemy there is a diamond shape over their head, when they begin to hear/sense you it becomes longer and turns red. As far as I can tell this is how you judge if you are hidden or not. So far I have not regained a hidden state once the enemy has gone into found you mode, I am wearing heavier armor though that gives a stealth penalty so can't say if it is possible with the right build at a high skill level.
  15. I think some companions are designed for certain tactics. So far I have only dealt with two the engineer girl seems more ranged although I agree she doesn't seem to react to fire well rushing opponents even when I place her behind cover. Then the Vicar guy just seems to want to close to melee range (he kind of reminds me of the Deathclaw guy from FO2 as far as tactics for combat). I was expecting more of a mass effect type of control scheme but doesn't seem to be as flexible. Maybe if you put more points into you character to support companions it will get better on my first play through and kind of making a balanced good for anything build as I have to get more experience with the game mechanics.
  16. There is a codex that I haven't really looked at I assume it would have a bestiary included.
  17. Could you link to what you are talking about? I only lightly followed the game, while there will be tons of information coming out most will be reviews and opinions on current game play. Might be difficult to find what you speak of.
  18. I saw a tool tip that said leaving an area for awhile will lets things cool off, no idea how you would do this if you messed up in Edgewater at the start of the game. I am not to far in to things so maybe there is a hide away or another town.
  19. I had the same thought and reasoning. I actually went down to a Game Stop store , after 2 hours and 4 different calls we ended up at epic game launcher where we got the activation code to work (which I oddly had to log in and use the code again once I got back home). There seemed to be a lot of confusion about it in the store and the support they called. Very poor decision to not make it available on as many platforms as possible, I doubt I will ever grasp the logic behind it.
  20. In the user agreement required to use the game their is a part about user created content, I couldn't see them taking the time to include it if modding was not planned to be included at some point.
  21. I think modding capability will come in a few months. Some of the decision they made are interesting no auto move or third person has me scratching my head to the reasoning behind it. The hold E to loot all would of probably worked better as a different button. One fairly common thing in games I have seen that I would like is a separate window for both the equipped and the new item to display the differences. I think their idea on loot is for a lot of it to be broke down then used to repair/maintain the equip you choose to use. I have found I can use trees and rocks to block incoming fire, I am not sure what you envision as a cover system. So far at least NPC's aren't talking in the same voices as each other ;-)!
  22. By what I read in the agreement you had to click on and articles about the game I think a modding tool will be released in a few months.
  23. If you buy the game through Game Stop you are buying a activation key to be used on Epic Gaming. Hopefully this changes soon but the current directions will tell you to redeem it through steam. This is not possible and you will get a message saying invalid key. It took 2 hours and 4 phone calls from the employees at the Game Stop store to figure this out. I have no idea why it was decided to limit the access to the game from Epic Game or the Microsoft Store ( second hand knowledge as I used Epic game to redeem and install) but that appears to be what has happened. I am sure for some this will be a shrug but for others who like me don't care for either Epic Games platform or Microsoft gaming it is annoying to be forced into using them. This is of course from the PC perspective probably not much of a issue for console as you can likely get the game at Walmart or several other stores with no issues.
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