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About marshill88

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  1. Sorry but Supernova is a bit too easy i always have soooo much ammo...although I confess I do savescum when my companions die. I think it would be really fun for an iron man mode...however, leave in just a tiny bit of leniency for companions such as before they die permanently, you have a small window of time to revive them - For Iron Man mode- no reloading to go backwards. game uses one constant save only. less ammo is found in the world... stealing is more risky (might make things interesting....)...OR not stealing is more rewarding..... COMPANIONS IN IRON MAN MODE: first time a companion falls they are unconscious...you can revive them if you act quickly within Y seconds. If they fall unconscious again after X seconds, they die permanently.
  2. Really struggling with managing companions....they are too stupid always charging into battle. If I set them for "defensive" they do nothing until I tell them. Please consider an in-between command- I order Compaion to STAY PUT at spot X and If I am in combat = TRUE and Enemy LOS = TRUE then FIRE ON IT, but don't move anywhere
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