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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Heh, my friend is excited about the shattering and is pressuring me into reactivating my account.
  2. After the disappointment that TES IV was to me; my expectations of V are low (and obviously can't justify buying a copy full priced or at all). Just have to see what the PR hype machine can cook.
  3. Diverged a save file into two separate games before I completed Render Unto Caesar: - One save will have a more neutral-good character siding w/ Mr. House. - Other will be a Caesar's Legion follower and thus, more evil.
  4. One more country to my "never to visit" list. Seriously, **** spiders.
  5. Confidence. You'd be surprised the wonders it does.
  6. Don't you code enough inside the workplace? But in all seriousness; it's not like that if you meet the oneā„¢.
  7. Reading user reviews of Final Fantasy XIV; wow, what happened there?
  8. Yes Please. Mr. Schafer.
  9. Final Fantasy IX; now on the PSP! Now if they could only bring FFVI...
  10. I agree with this statement. I'll also add that the backup option is very good.
  11. I'd say make that two weekends (there's a ton of quests).
  12. But is it longer than 5 hours?
  13. It amazes me how the difficulty of learning a programming language can vary depending on how well written a book one has.
  14. After going back to Civ4 with the 2 XP's I think you are missing out. The more I play civ4 and more I see civ5 short comings and lack of ability to hold my attention for the same lenght of time. I would also suggest you give civ4 a try as well. You will see civ5 simply is dumbed down and lacks the depth and challenge of 4. Yeah I've read that Civ V has been simplified in a few ways. But since I've never played a game like the Civ series before (IIRC); I'll take the simplified version to get a feel for the overall type of game it is. Then I'll switch over to the hardcore
  15. Thanks for the responses everyone. After doing some research I decided to take Hurlshot's recommendation and as I type this; downloading V from steam. Once I spend some time and get a feel for the mechanics, I'll give Alpha Centauri a shot.
  16. I've never played a Civ game *cue laughing* but now I'm curious. Which do you all recommend I should start with? IV or V?
  17. Started weight lifting today (after a month setback the gym FINALLY opens). Sore all over, but I feel great.
  18. Any news about how New Vegas made in Japan, especially after that advertisement campaign? Doesn't get released till beginning of Nov.
  19. TES V confirmed as a zombie survival RPG.
  20. Other than what I think is a quest scripting bug and the occasional gamebryo specialty of letting NPC's fall through non-flat terrain. It's been smooth sailing for me.
  21. No freezes for me, other than the typical "Alt-Tab CTD gambryo special.
  22. edit: nvm.
  23. Hey Josh. Cliffs + invisible walls. What gives man?
  24. Unincorporated, but yes.
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