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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. I'm reading the silent blade atm, needs moar evil drow! Also: am i the only one that thinks drow society as a whole is like one giant bdsm fetish dungeon mixed w/ religion?
  2. Haven't played either; don't have a ps3 and waiting for pw to drop in price.
  3. That had better not be zone of the enders 3. Wait, nvm. Wouldn't be on pc anyway.
  4. Finally! Some one gets it.
  5. Looks like AP.
  6. Useful way to get the SP experience for free, on rails games especially. Did that for Modern Warfare 2, worked well. Same. Did it for mw2, black ops, crysis 2, and will do for mw3. lol
  7. All I want is shadowdancer to retain giving Hide in Plain Sight feat at level one. Oh, we're talking about DA... carry on.
  8. With the exception of the raccoon, I've dealt w/ ants already and currently dealing with the rainy weather. Inquired into a volunteer position for data entry at a medical office for the summer. Other than work I have an over-abundance of free time, might as well start a social contact network for references when i graduate... in two years.
  9. Better yet; they support whine about "cute and cuddly" animals. Ever hear them whine about alligators, snakes or komodo dragons? Nope.
  10. HAHA oh man.... Lysa. Gotta hand it to HBO, they know how to write characters (or in this case translate from book to TV).
  11. I have one of those. It's more than half full of raw, uncompressed FNV videos that I still can't make myself delete. I need to get another one for other backup stuff again. Also...I hate FOX and their blackout contracts on MLB. I pay MLB for their MLB tv, I should be able to watch any game using it. IMO. Curse you FOX. that's what dvd-dl's are great for. <sent from samsung gt>
  12. Go to Pandora, make a new station w/ Bob Marley, sit back and enjoy the good feelings.
  13. That makes Keldorn a bit of a hypocrite, doesn't it? I'm sure there were alternatives to splitting Viconia down the middle with that sword of his because of her race. Dunno about you, but I'd never turn my back to a drow.
  14. I'm curious to who they'll cast to play Jaqen H'gar for season 2.
  15. I feel the same way, also wouldn't mind having more female protagonists in the future.
  16. Unpredictable even.
  17. The preview video looked good visually, but what I'll judge is stability on the PC. ESIV, F3 and NV are not the most stable games by any stretch of the imagination.
  18. Oh how I <3 insecure, immature women.
  19. Well, glad that's out of the way.
  20. Welcome to the club.
  21. I don't remember too well from the books but... was Sansa supposed to be older than Joffrey? Seriously he looks about 10 years old.
  22. I just watched DT get raped at the end of the episode.
  23. Pre-loading Portal 2 and gifted the free copy of portal to a friend of mine.
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