My sarcasm sense is tingling.
I'll wait for the 'in-depth' comparisons of changes from Oblivion ~> Skyrim. Even heavily modded Oblivion couldn't hold my interest for long.
Went to the gym after a three day rest; it's always difficult after a pause.
Looking into getting my license expanded to cover motorcycle use for after I graduate (plan on doing cross country route). Also reading up on maintenance.
When my older sister was touring different universities a few years ago, I tagged along on this one. I was impressed with what I saw, that and from what I hear the CompSci department is pretty great.
Other than those two, nothing in particular.
Actually my sight is set on Montclair University. Though if I don't get accepted, Rutgers would be one of the other choices.
I think she teaches economics, not sure though.
I just found out that one of my cousins' is an instructor there.
This is my last semester at mercer, going to wait a bit before I submit my transfer application.
I wonder if towns/settlements will be separate zones again, or will the new engine be able to handle said settlements within game world w/o separate loading screen (FNV style).
*Misses levitation spells*
Hi Dave!
My question: How big are the areas?
I know the game is a hack n' slash/ARPG, but are the areas limited to tight corridors or are there more open areas (open plains and such)?
I still have to apply to my University choice.
Waiting until spring semester starts @ end of January, when the advisor would actually be there.