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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Considering volunteering somewhere for the summer. Don't know where or what but I'd like to try it once.
  2. For what it's worth; it's in the top 20 selling list on steam.
  3. I'd love to see a sequel just for the setting alone; but man if there's one game that I wouldn't care if the gameplay was "dumbed down" it'd be this.
  4. Deathly Hallows pt one. Smart of them to split it into two parts; book is too big to condense it into 2 1/2 hours. It was strange to see the ministry of magic and have "INSOC" pop into my head
  5. Thanks for the book recommendations; I'll look into them soon. Today I found my new outdoor passion: geocaching. Found one right in the middle of the nature trail at the local park.
  6. C might be the next one I learn; got any book recommendations?
  7. Doing my computer science project: Connect 4... in Java! Also decided that instead of transferring to university this autumn; I'll do it next spring. A semester off is what I've wanted to do for ages.
  8. Fun fact I've learned: People HATE being called out on their bull**** in public. Embarrasses them to all hell.
  9. I bought a nose hair trimmer, doing so made me feel older than I am.
  10. Shadows of the Damned GDC trailer. Looks entertaining, wished there was a PC version though
  11. Preordered Trails in the Sky, 29th can't some soon enough Currently re-playing DA:O and awakening. I'm not terribly interested in DA2, shame they changed it so much from the 1st.
  12. Out of curiosity, are you willing to recount some stories?
  13. And here I thought Interplay Films was just something Fargo created on a whim and abandoned just as fast.
  14. I have a hard time believing they're that bad.
  15. Hence why I'm glad I gave up that delusion before I started college.
  16. Went to my grandfather's [military] funeral today. It made the local paper.
  17. And to think some people get those frequently.
  18. Skip AC1, play AC2.
  19. Don't sweat it. Mums just do that sort of thing occasionally. Lord knows why, but I swear they enjoy it. Yes. And no reason to worry about them being right, they'll be nagging at you no matter how well you are doing. You can always look at the silver lining though. All that nagging will prepare you for when you are married. Which begs the question: A wife who constantly nags vs A wife who doesn't care. Which is worse?
  20. You'll somehow appreciate when you're standing over her death bed. I appreciated my dad's non-alcoholic moments when his liver finally gave up on 'em.
  21. Frankly, if you have enough personal confidence in yourself.. or absolutely no understanding of why your peers might look down on you for it.. You should never need an excuse... Yes but after building with my cousin's 3 y/o son, I can't imagine doing it by myself. We spent hours building whatever came to mind.
  22. Played the EQII free2play client. It plays a lot like wow (which is a good thing compared to EQ 1). That said, a lot of features (classes, chat channels, etc) are locked as an encouragement to subscribe. It's decent so far but it'll take some time before I even start to consider.
  23. One of the benefits of being a parent; an excuse to play with lego's again.
  24. 1/4 my childhood memories.
  25. Don't some ISP's have a service in which they set up the service before you move into a new place?
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