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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. and send our condolences afterwards.
  2. I'm confused. Regarding PC version, aren't the combat mechanics going to be similar to Origins and it's the console versions that are going through a major revision? I'm getting different messages here. As for the video. At least they stopped going for the "edgy hardkoar metal" theme.
  3. Most fun I've had on this system. Ever.
  4. You sound like you overthink stuff a lot. Don't man, people in college are chill.
  5. This is the reason for a lacking mod scene in 90% of scenarios.
  6. Certainly not.
  7. I want to learn more about the elves in DA 2. Make it happen Bioware.
  8. Who cares what he looks like. The question is will be bring home beer every once in a while or is he going to mooch yours? Well.... thats what I'd be wondering anyway. Really? I figured the first thing that should be agreed on is what to hang on the door knob when one has company over.
  9. Just think, it'll be an interesting story you'll tell your kids someday. Went to the local gym yesterday and looked at some membership rates. This will work with my school schedule since it's open 24 hours (intend to spend an hour in the early morning before class, 4 days a week). The exact routine(s) are still being compiled. My goal is a pretty modest one, starting at 133 lbs (60 kg) ~> between 150 lbs (68kg) to 160 lbs (73 kg).
  10. Glitchy vats (mentioned in another preview), stuttering framerate, bad pathfinding, people attacking you just because you touch an unimportant object flagged as the property of one particular faction. Other than the 'glitchy vats' bit, I didn't really run into any of those problems you mentioned. Not arguing of their existence of course.
  11. Didn't finish Bioshock 1, never played the 2nd, doing likewise with the 3rd.
  12. Well, well, they sure have been shopping left and right. For the period before they announced DSIII I actually was kind of expecting ZeniMax to buy Obsidian too. Then again, Arkane have a lot of affinity with Bethesda, so I guess that it's a good match. It'll come. Probably.
  13. Inferiority complex to Hollywood?
  14. She's okay based on my personal tastes, not really into red heads though.
  15. Well here's a blast from the past.
  16. Or intelligent. Or witty. Or...well, I could go on for all day Enoch. This ^10 .
  17. Try st. John's wort, i noticed a difference after a while.
  18. Point taken. Spiritual sequel to Tail Concerto, surprised anyone remembers that one.
  19. Okay, this thread is being turned into a FF discussion thread (partly my fault). Time to shift gears. Y' know, a series as old as ys (1970's) I'm surprised this doesn't get the attention as the other big names outside japan. Buuuut that might change with the newest title in the series (PSP) getting released in NA/EU in two weeks. With two more to follow in the coming months until end of the year. They're aRPG's that could also be described as platformers. One of teh notable points of the series is the great, catchy music. lol @ some engrish names. Ys Seven - Vacant Interference
  20. Among them, this one screams to me "obsidian". ... naw.
  21. source article links in thread @: CVG LA times Oh Bobby, never change you little scamp you.
  22. Just found out my godmother isn't going to hold out much longer due to her cancer. This doesn't surprise me (been fighting for years) and I don't expect to get sentimental about it when the time finally comes. But still, we just buried another one of my aunts in December.
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