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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Playing Dragon Quest IX single player, so far I'm having fun with it. My biggest gripe with the game is that one cannot choose a class in the beginning of the game, default starting class is a minstrel and it takes a bit before the player reaches a certain area where they can change jobs. But so far it's only dragon quest game that didn't bore me within the first hour or so. To an extent I'll describe it as a mix of a JRPG and Icewind Dale; light on story, heavy dungeon crawling.
  2. Going out with a female coworker this wednesday for a few hours, strictly platonic. We're thinking beer and go-karts. Also seriously considering hitting the gym. I really want to take up weight lifting and work on my upper body before leaving for university next year.
  3. Used up the last of the funds on my best buy card and bought Dragon Quest IX. Will post impressions later. Last game purchase until NV.
  4. It's even funnier when you look through the posts on THIS board and realize that people are exactly the same here, except about other equally unimportant details. "What?! No Ron Perlman reading the intro?!? YOU JUST LOST A SALE, OBSIDIAN!" "What?! A solar powered cannon from space!! THAT'S NOT FALLOUT AT ALL! NO SALE!!" "What?!? An orc..mutant wearing a WIG and funny GLASSES?! I didn't see that in Van Buren (easily the best game ever, I know this because I am psychic)!#&! SCREW YOU OBS!" --- You guys seriously need to look in a mirror from time to time. In some ways true, but the above posts you mentioned are usually by the same 2-3 posters (in most cases anyway). Whether this is still the case I can't accurately say as I haven't been seriously following the thread in some time other than a few glances now and again.
  5. No more Heroes 2; amazing.
  6. Whining about replacing one useless collectible trinket w/ another. Glad F:NV forums are there.
  7. Repaired three laptops for my cousin, was rewarded $100 gift card to best buy (they were simple OS reinstall jobs). Pretty useful since I've decided to seriously cut back on entertainment expenses, saving up for a myriad of things. Spent a few moments pondering this: Though arranged he got married pretty young, hope he doesn't regret it in a few years time. No more youth 4 u dude.
  8. WRPG dev finally seeing potential in portable platforms, this is only overdue by about... six years. edit: that sonic game/thing doesn't count.
  9. An old Albanian native friend of mine from middle school stopped by for a visit, he recently got married and brought his wife with him.
  10. Got mah classes for Autumn '10: -Pre-calculus -Computer Science 102 -College Physics I At minimum this is my last semester before I head out to university. Three years have zipped by pretty quick.
  11. Perlman is just a nod to the first two, he's unnecessary.
  12. So if I import my 'left Sten in his cage' save, he may be there in in DA2?! Maybe even as a jnpc?! Nooooo! D: So if you leave Leliana behind, she'll return as a Broodmother boss fight? Boss battle will have a unique custom ambiance playing in the background that involves a remixed version of her vocal theme song.
  13. What groups will we have to unite now in our desperate struggle against the evil one?
  14. Some alcoholic beverages are proven to be beneficial, as is weed w/ its medicinal purposes. It's all about how they're used, frequency/intake amount and the like.
  15. Now this could be interesting. Pretty vague that. Could mean anything from more cuztomization flexibility to... Streamlining.
  16. Darkspawn again, honestly they are the least interesting part of DA. Also new hero, the bio boards are going to rage. Probably more of the same political plotlines as well.
  17. I guess it's bi-yearly sequels with DLC/expansion in between. ... I'm okay w/ this.
  18. Waiting for the time to come when this "web 2.0" bull**** finally dies out.
  19. Playing AP. Hey everyone who played the PC version, are random slowdowns a normal thing w/ this game? Because it's happening an awful lot to me, especially when turning MT/the camera.
  20. Because I imagined for a moment my two hands on dat ass squeezin dem butt-cheeks.
  21. Oh wait this was about weed legalization? Yeah, alright cool, go for it. Awww man, she looks delicious.....
  22. You mean use the setting or make a FF Tactics-esque game?
  23. Good thing I only care about the single player campaigns.
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