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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. If you go and talk to the BoS after NCR tells you to destroy them, it turns out the BoS are willing to aid the NCR. But since NCR told me previously that no compromise is possible, I didn't try that until I already sided with Yes Man. @Tigranes: It's not good storytelling to force the player to commit an evil act either way, especially when it can be easily and logically avoided. That suggestts the player has no agency.
  2. It was clear, but it's not clear that the issue can't be resolved with a compromise, in fact the abassador specifically talks about trying to improve relations with Mr House and NV and not getting anywhere. Well, I even tried to appeal to the abassador hoping the poltical branch could overrule her, but of course the game doesn't support anything like that. The point is if you're going to force the player to make a choice, at least fully implement it, let me side with either one, whoever's more reasonable, or let me wash my hands of the whole situation. I'm trying to role play a consistent character, and that's impossible if the game forces me to always betray someone. As it turns out, you don't have to destroy the BOS, but the game confused me into thinking that you do. Exactly, we just wiped out the entire Legion Army, which is something NCR hadn't managed to do. And no, it doesn't necessarily make sense, I was the one who defeated the Legion, not them, and I was the one who saved the President. And it's not redrawing the map, it's keeping status quo. Not to mention the Boomers are also my allies, aren't going anywhere, and could unleash a devastating artillery and aerial barrage on the NCR should they try anything.
  3. It is a fair complaint, because to collaborate with the NCR I'd have to betray the BOS, so either way I'm forced to betray someone. If you going to implement something like that, at least support it fully, so you can explicitly side with either the BOS or the NCR depending on who's more unwilling to compromise. And no, it's not necessarily clear that NCR will attack, there should be a diplomatic option through the abassador or whatever. Assuming the NCR would throw away the lives of so many soldiers by trying to seize NV makes them not much better than the Legion, but that's not how they are portrayed in the game for the most part. Edit: NCR didn't demand that I hand over Vegas, I demanded they hand over the Hoover Dam, so I'm put in the position of the bad guy.
  4. Yes, because I never really wanted the Independent ending, it was just the least worst choice I was given. It would be OK if there was a logical reason to force me into it, but there really wasn't. Anyway, NV could've still stayed independent with NCR controlling the Hoover Dam, just as it was before. Sure, NCR are now in a stronger position, but the robots are also upgraded, would've made more sense to have a new treaty than essentially delivering a near-mortal blow to the NCR, which really isn't in NV's interests since they need customers.
  5. The NCR demanded that I destroy the BOS, who I was also friends with, and NCR told me there was no peaceful solution, which turned out to be not the case. But believing them I decided to side with Yes Man, since that seemed to allow me to do what I thought was appropriate. So I essentially continued to help the NCR, but at the end I had to demand they leave the Hoover dam as I was given no other choice. It also seems I was being manipulated by Yes Man instead of truly working for myself, the theme of manipulation in Obsidian games is getting really tiresome as it takes away player agency, as are their choices which aren't really choices.
  6. Finished the game, got a very usatisfying ending. At the last moment I was forced to stab NCR in the back after helping them throughout the whole game, though there was no logical reason for the betrayal, I just wasn't given another choice. Very disappointing after putting 150+ hours into the game.
  7. Yep, if you want K3, they want you to subscribe to TOR and pay monthly subscription.
  8. At least at Howe's estate you could stealth through, instead of tediously killing everyone.
  9. The campaign is a series of tactical battles, and the outcome of one can affect which one you fight next, although in the first campaign that wasn't noticeable. Supposedly the campaigns have improved since, but I haven't had a chance to try the latest ones (this is in the modern warfare version, the WW2 with a bunch of improvements isn't out yet). It'll be worthwhile to at least check out the demo when it's available. Edit: The game just got officially announced and named: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?optio...&Itemid=456 Should be out in a couple of months I'd say.
  10. If you read my link, you'd see that US considered KLA a terrorist organization, as well as reports on KLA atrocities and ethnic cleansing by groups lke HRW. Also it's Serbs, not Serbians. Here's a link about Iran and Al Qaeda involvement in the Balkans: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m157...ag=content;col1
  11. They have a fairly static campaign now, not one where you control the operational map, and stubbornly refuse to implement that. The new game should be quite different from the old one though.
  12. From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosovo_Libera...terrorist_group The wikipedia page also provides a lot of other info on this, as well as links. As far as links with Al Qaeda and Iran, that info is quite a few years old now, but you could probably google about it.
  13. I'm pretty sure there's an oxymoron there. Anyway, the 2-D trees are placeholders, the rest of the stuff should stay pretty much as is. You probably don't need a lecture about how the prettiest graphics aren't the point in a sim etc, etc.
  14. Meh, this is what you guys should be getting: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94178
  15. He's explaining why the first half of the year was unusually warm, and the second half is likely to be unusually cold. Whether that has anything to do with global warming or not is a matter of opinion.
  16. The guy is clearly a paragon of democracy: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101222/ap_on_...elarus_election
  17. This is funny: http://kotaku.com/5715889/sad-but-true
  18. They'd have to redo a lot of stuff to support the wider zoom, and since 360 is where they sell the most it's not worth all the extra work to support the PC version.
  19. KLA was intentionally trying to provoke Serbs by committing terrorist acts against them, and they and other Muslim groups in the Balkans received support from both Al Qaeda and Iran.
  20. Hahahaha I was waiting for something like this. Cheers for the laugh. The reason I referenced global warming is that whenever there's unusually hot weather somewhere or some kind of catasrophic weather event it's invarialbly used as proof of global warming. In fact the warmists were going on and on how this was going to be the warmest year on record because the first half was unusually warm.
  21. Global warming on the rampage : http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/the-super-la-...-coming-winter/ http://www.smh.com.au/environment/weather/...1221-1945a.html
  22. There's no fundamental difference in the two situations, in fact it's even worse in Serbia as Kosovo has always been internationally recognized to be part of Serbia, including by US and NATO countries. At least with Ossetia I don't think Russia ever recognized it as part of Georgia. In both cases it's a case of might makes right, and there's no question US/Nato acted illegally and without justification. Also the stupidity of helping Islamic terrorists against people who have always been at least friendly, if not outright allies.
  23. I need to add my most important bit of feedback on NV. The ability you get with Rex to highlight all the valuable stuff when zoomed should be the default. It would make looting dungeons so much less tedious. Also something should really be done about maps and multi-level dungeons. I've wasted more time being lost in those mazes than I'd ever care to admit.
  24. Probably something we won't know until the game comes out. Also you forgot the dialogue with the 3 amazing choices at the end of all that.
  25. Too bad the game was so unfairly bad-mouthed at the start that a lot of people who would've enjoyed it gave it a pass: http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JoshBycer/2...ol_Analysis.php
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