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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Also, if you have a PS2, NIS put out some great SRPGs.
  2. [rul=http://www.galciv2.com/Index.aspx]GalCiv2[/url]. Not sure if its exactly what you're looking for, but I like it.
  3. I'd say one of these might be effective.
  4. I'm in Rhode Island. Its hot as balls.
  5. I'm at Brown, in Providence. Their internet blows monkey ****.
  6. To be honest I haven't gotten a chance yet... It's next on my list, though... And why in the name of god would I know what a dingo is???

  7. As much as I hate ATI and Acer, the Acer Aspire 8943G looks like it fits your description well. For $2k, you can't really get a good Alienware, especially not with the giant screen you want. If you want ludicrous speed, Digital Storm and IBuyPower might be good- they make faster products than Alienware, but without the frills so you more bang for your buck. EDIT: In a year or so my Acer suggestion will be irrelevant.
  8. Oh dear god... The original wasn't even good...
  9. Congrats Hurl.
  10. This.
  11. I really liked Watchmen. If you've seen it, Kickass was infinitely better IMO so you can either a) use that as a guideline or b) completely disregard my opinion.
  12. Took the SAT again. Played with an evo at a Sprint store. I want.
  13. No. Isn't it funny how libertarians are all about how people should "take responsibility" so long as they're poor and "responsibility" means "staying poor" government should stay out of the economy and other facets of life? Whereas when a major corporations dumps billions of barrels of oil on the coast, debilitating the ecology on which so many's livelihood relies, we shouldn't do anything about it and just leave them be. Just a curious little thing I thought was worth noting. Fix'd.
  14. The way I read that article, the dudes on the boats attacked the commandos. If you attack a set of commandos, you better well expect to be blown to whatever hell you believe in. If the commandos were defending themselves, they really did nothing wrong. That doesn't explain the commandos being in the boats, but the so-called "massacre" doesn't seem like much of one. Interesting note: North Korea blows up a merchant ship, killing almost 50 people; nobody cares. Israeli commandos shoot a bunch of dudes who attack them; international bat**** craziness ensues.
  15. I object to this sweeping generalization. It is true that many great examples of douchebaggery drive Audis, but its far from a universal rule.
  16. That sounds painful...
  17. Yeah, Orogun is right... Its very, very, VERY hot down here.
  18. Welcome to my life.
  19. I'm gonna dump my highest stat into strength, so I should be good to carry all this: Battle Axe (5gp, 7 lbs) 2 x throwing axe (2 gp, 10 lbs) Body Shield (10 gp, 15 lbs) Splint Mail (80 gp, 40 lbs) Great helm (30 gp, 10 lbs) Belt (0.3gp) Soft boots (1gp) Breeches x2 (4gp) Gloves (1gp) Common robe x2 (1.8gp) Tunic x2 (1.6gp) not sure if I need a sword belt for axes, but if I do, pretend its here hooded lantern (7 gp, 2 lbs) 3 x lamp oil (.18 gp, 3 lbs) 2 x greek fire (20 gp, 4 lbs) That brings me to: 163.88 gp, 91 lbs If that sounds unrealistic, just let me know and I'll adjust it.
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