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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Ya could have just gotten a cell phone...
  2. :lol: They really do suck though...
  3. If it were all a dream (I think it was), then did Mal necessarily kill herself? Couldn't she have been right?
  4. Inception. Holy ****.
  5. I'm an nVidia guy, so I'd say to get the 260, but I'd also suggest waiting until they upgrade to the 4xxM series...
  6. Got Crackdown 2 yesterday. By god was that bad.
  7. I like Onlive because I have a mac and, even with steam, the game selection blows.
  8. :lol: I agree...
  9. Uh...For what? I've got a collection, albeit a small one for now, of knives/swords - most for are for display and some for every day carry or defensive carry. Obviously the bayonet, once it's cleaned up - there is a bit of rust on the handle and, unfortunately, a few spots on the blade itself-, will be for display and not for carrying around (unless it's for a costume or something like that, because it's rather impractical to haul around otherwise). For carrying I normally go with a shorter fixed-blade or larger folding-blade (see the pictures for some examples of the sort of knives I'm talking about). And, before someone asks, I currently live in a state with no length limit as far as knives go so, yes, all of the pictured blades -and some larger ones that I didn't grab for the example (for instance, a 6" version of the folding stiletto seen there)- are legal to carry. Nice.
  10. Gonna root my Evo in a bit, maybe try Cyanogen.
  11. The violence is amusing because it cannot harm you. Purchase a Bengal tiger and re-run the exercise. You will realise that video games have de-sensitized you to nothing.
  12. Came back in last night. Its good to be home.
  13. CoD is rather crappy...
  14. Lame-ish nerd joke time: Why are planes like computers?
  15. I wouldn't speak so soon. There's still two spots to fill on the Heat (and with not a lot of money, so I've heard). I'd never count Kobe out of anything completely. No, but they've got Beasley and Chalmers, and while neither of those two are exceptional, they don't need to be; they can just defend people, and leave scoring to the pros. EDIT: Apparently no more Beasley.
  16. Laughed at some smug Lakers fans who have yet to realize that their threepeat just got obliterated.
  17. I have a facebook. I consider everything I post everywhere to be public; FB is no exception. I mean, why do I care if advertisers see that I'm ****ing ecstatic about the Dream Team?
  18. Ya never know...
  19. Its hot as balls here. It blows.
  20. Sweet. Less money for the government to spend on futile efforts.
  21. Apparently the MMOPOS is supposed to be K3-K10... Which is ****ing bull****, but I digress. They're making it because it'll make craptons of money. I'm not going near it with a 10' pole, but it'll still make more goddamn money than the DS.
  22. So... Let me see if I understand this... You condemn the classical European powers for colonizing and therefore screwing over a great deal of the world, but also therefore planting the seeds of developed economy in places where previously there had mostly been rural agrarian societies. You also ****ing worship Stalin, a mass-murdering maniac who set the precedent for almost 75 years of oppressive Soviet dictatorship. This does not make sense.
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