Uh...For what?
I've got a collection, albeit a small one for now, of knives/swords - most for are for display and some for every day carry or defensive carry. Obviously the bayonet, once it's cleaned up - there is a bit of rust on the handle and, unfortunately, a few spots on the blade itself-, will be for display and not for carrying around (unless it's for a costume or something like that, because it's rather impractical to haul around otherwise). For carrying I normally go with a shorter fixed-blade or larger folding-blade (see the pictures for some examples of the sort of knives I'm talking about). And, before someone asks, I currently live in a state with no length limit as far as knives go so, yes, all of the pictured blades -and some larger ones that I didn't grab for the example (for instance, a 6" version of the folding stiletto seen there)- are legal to carry.