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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Good thing I stopped watching then.
  2. *Raises hand*
  3. Yup, Wals for war vet.
  4. honestly, she annoyed the **** outta me That might be because you're a soulless communist. Our insectoid friend would beg to differ.
  5. tl;dr ftw! Videogame nerd. EDIT: Now that I have read,
  6. This guy deserves it more than obama, that's for sure.
  7. Is that a mod, or is the entire thing 'shopped?
  8. Yup, communism blows. What a surprise. Also, .
  9. Moar Borderlands. Must. Hit. 61.
  10. These apps are killing me. Seriously.
  11. Yeah, that was pretty weak. And Gauntlgrym spoilers:
  12. I'm in I guess
  13. Dating sim ftw! :lol: :lol:
  14. It's epic. His best in years. Emo Drizzt is gone, replaced with... uhh... pissed-off Drizzt. Which is really much better, seeing as though it leads to more fighting. Really? I thought Orc and Ghost were really good. Don;t get your hopes up; its still all emotional and ****. And then and Drizzt gets But along the way we do get some rather epic fighting, so it all balances out.
  15. Uhh... did anybody expect this NOT to happen? Bio does one thing very well: story/dialogue. Neither applies to MMOPOSes.
  16. This is without a doubt the greatest thing youtube has ever contributed to mankind.
  17. My shotty does 3.5k before my com and stuff. Its epic. Just remember, if you took more than one shot, then you weren't using a Jakobs. The only reason to wait for Claptrap is 'cause it spoils the end (kinda). Its probably better before the epic level grind that is the last 10% of the game.
  18. *He*? Just what kind of relationship you have with your pc? This.
  19. This.
  20. The easiest way to upgrade IE is to go here and follow the instructions.
  21. Then you should play Terran.
  22. The Napoleon thing was a joke, people. Lighten up. De Bello Gallico was great. Caesar's prose is nice and consistent - no ****ing thesaurus abuse there! In English, sure. In its original language, its a ****fest.
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