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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Dude your life is awesome This.
  2. Because, obviously, everything revolves around math and math can be used to solve any problem! Oh wait... No, I just think literature as a form of communication is silly, and am very grumpy about this paper I'm currently writing. Welcome to college, if you don't like it start talking binary. You can practice with us Lucky though, I never have to take literature again Pun intended? haha nah, she got a little Maine Coon kitten about a month ago he's super cute and friendly Just checking...
  3. Because, obviously, everything revolves around math and math can be used to solve any problem! Oh wait... No, I just think literature as a form of communication is silly, and am very grumpy about this paper I'm currently writing. Pun intended?
  4. **** literature. When these ****s offer me mathematical proof, I'll consider their ideas. A 500 page book about **** that doesn't actually exist doesn't cut it.
  5. Tron was good, albeit a little silly. And why in the hell didn't I actually liked this quite a bit more than I thought I would...
  6. I don't get it...
  7. I have a new favorite word: kugelblitz. :lol:
  8. I tried golf once... It didn't end well...
  9. Why do I get the feeling the two are related? That doesn't sound good...
  10. Definitely: Me3, Da2, Me2 (ps3), ES5, Duke Nukem, Witcher 2, Diablo, Rage, Crysis 2, Deus Ex, Portal 2, Torchlight 2, the next AC, Disgaea 4, Skyward Sword, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3. EDIT: Knew I forgot something.
  11. So in your ****ed up world its the PEOPLE'S fault they got stuck with a totalitarian government? Come back to reality. This guy is a scumbag. How in the **** can you support him?
  12. I got into MIT!
  13. Brown '15!
  14. That sounds like an... interesting holiday tradition. Wish we had something like that over here...
  15. Yup. That's how I did it, though it didn't entirely work. It helped me get through my first couple, and then simple experience did the rest.
  16. Krezy, your point about China is rendered void by one little fact: as a rule of thumb, we only execute murderers, who quite frankly deserve it (Newton's Third Law, remember?). China, however, executes anyone who breathes too loudly.
  17. Do want.
  18. Quid? Brits definitely have the best-named currency system in the western world.
  19. Impossible, the first one was AWFUL Actually, after finishing Brotherhood, I went back to the original. Holy crap I had forgotten how much it sucks. Oh well. Also, the dude in the guild in Damascus has the exact same voice actor as Leonardo, and he doesn't change it at all. Its... oddly disconcerting, if only because it doesn't really sound out-of-place in either setting.
  20. I watched the Cavs get burnt. It was epic.
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