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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Thanks guys . Glad to be of service slash I aim to please.
  2. My greatgrandmother passed away a few days ago. My family had always joked that she would outlive us; she was as healthy as a frickin horse until she... just passed. Its frickin' strange.
  3. Wow, can't believe I missed this one. Let me preface this with the following: I'm a huge physics nerd. Hell, when I hit college next year, I'm double-majoring in physics and math. I have done a great deal of reading and general studying on physics as it stands now, so I'm not just pulling this out of my ass. I've also spoken to several physics profs at places like MIT, so a lot of this is basically what they told me rephrased and demath-ed. Also, although slightly relevant to the black hole thing, I'm not doing metrics here. Or manipulating the EFE in general, for that matter; just look up the damn papers for proofs. This is only partially true. In a classical space, you would be entirely right. Because part of the stress-energy tensor, however, involves energy densities and the like, mass has a greater effect on curvature (ie black hole formation) in smaller volumes. Again, only partially true. That number on wikipedia is for Schwarzchild black holes, i.e. those with no charge or angular momentum. A lead nucleus (or proton, for that matter) has both, so its a Kerr-Newman... Which IIRC would make it even smaller. Your point, however, stands. Its downright impossible for a lead nucleus to compress into a singularity. This. False. Strangelets yes, black holes no. By which time it will be long gone. Again, false, for reasons explained in more detail below. By and large, black holes are frickin' massive, on the order of multiple solar masses. The crap they suck in, therefore, makes very little impact on its radius or its gravity. If this were not true, supermassives would be like galactic endbosses, rather than galactic anchors. I'd say we ahve a better chance of a fart in a nuclear bunker destroying the world. By multiple orders of magnitude, in fact. I will now list things wrong with this article. 1) Its written by a lawyer. Law education and physics education have about as much in common as, well, law and math, which is to say absolutely none. 2) Its published in "Tennessee Law Review." See above. 3) There is no way this article was peer reviewed. Hell, on the off chance it was, the reviewing was done by a lawyer. See above. 4) "Einstein famously refused to believe in their existence, even though it was his theory of special relativity that predicted them" (838). Really? Special relativity involves gravity? That's news. I'm sure there are many others, but I'm too lazy to go further. In short, however, you presented a non-scientific article written by a non-scientist in an attempt to prove a scientific argument. This is invalid.
  4. maybe it would've been different if i'd first picked them up when i was younger, but they really lack any subtlety and constantly beat you over the head with clues towards any twists At the beginning, yeah. But after... pretty much exactly where you ended, this stops happening. Also, it is somewhat less prevalent in the books than in the movies. In fact, the movies are in general just worse than the books. Yeah, the movie made that rather more obvious than it should have been.
  5. :lol: I think we should make you a peer. Do I get on o' them nifty hats? We'll miss you down here in Florida I won't miss Florida; its a frickin oven
  6. Hurlshot, man of steel ... dude, collossus isn't the man of steel! SUPAMAN MUTHA FU*KA! ... dude, superman isn't the REAL man of steel! IRONMAN MUTHA ****A!
  7. Nah, the slaughter doesn't really begin until 7... And I happen to agree with they "you're a heretic" crowd, but I can see why some wouldn't like it...
  8. Just bought plane tickets. Moving to britain now.
  9. I'm pretty sure he was mad at BBC covering it for 24 frickin hours than with you for celebrating it.
  10. So yeah... I'm pretty much done with college apps. Sent in my ED last night, and now I just wait... And play craptons of games... Also, Raithe, that sounds frickin' horrendous. Sorry man.
  11. My ass still hurts, so I vote Hurly.
  12. Erm... has this died out then?
  13. JAckass 3D. Epic win.
  14. Forget apple fanboys, WinMo and Android people would be up in frickin arms.
  15. The world is a scary place/ now that you've woken up the demon/ in me
  16. As long as we don't become IGN
  17. I'm playing the "apply to college" game. THAT one could do with a crash or two, if you ask me.
  18. Since when is SC2 anything but great?
  19. Watched the heat game. WHAT THE ****?
  20. This does appear to be a good motto for yourself. Bravo! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: When has LoF ever flat-out denied an atrocity by communist Russia, or refused to believe the the atrocity was bad? No, really, I'm curious - I've seen him rationalize atrocities, sure, but never deny them. I never said I agreed, just that I found it funny. Also, he definitely meets the first portion.
  21. This does appear to be a good motto for yourself. Bravo! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. http://xkcd.com/393/
  23. Leaving the house for the first time all week, and as pale as my Commodore 64, I enter the club, and, spotting her all alone and hoping that she is therefore below everyone else's radar, approach, muttering a quick prayer to CliffyB and Shepard that I may absorb some of their female-acquiring and ass-kicking powers. 1) "You look like Vanille." When she looks at me like an asari commando on Tuchanka, I respond, "Ya know, the immortal girl from FF13? Actually, you don't find out she's immortal until about the 100th hour, so I guess just the not-protagonist girl from the same." This will reassure her that I am not concerned with sex, as I've probably never heard of it, and definitely am more interested in killin' polygons than in getting it on. It will also convey that I was bullied just as much as she was as a child. The hope is that these reassurances will overcome her hatred of males, and remind her that not all men are scum, just . 2) I bring an old bottle of red bull dating to the launch of Reach and a packet of ramen, as they are the only non-game items in my apartment. I say, "These are my last possessions that aren't attached to a wall" and shed a tear. 3) I will convince her that, as other members of the male species have found me just as convenient a target of bullying as her, I know what she has been through. This will establish a link to the dark space behind her +5 Firewall of Hate, and will be my link into her "hushed casket". 4) I will merely say that her name verily sounds like something from Two Worlds, forsooth.
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