You're gonna have to explain this one to me.
Sure. I'll assume that you have yet to pay attention to anything I've ever written, but I already suspected that. So:
These programs aim to unjustly redistribute wealth from those who have earned it to those who have not. It is the proverbial "easy path" that has unfortunately come to plague American society. Those who have "made it", who fall into the highest tax bracket and so lose the most as part of tax day, evidently either have a) wealthy parents (and I really don't care about these... Those who live off of a trust fund are just looters...) or b) some talent or drive lacking in those who have not. Because I'm too lazy/tired to write out a long spiel, so I'll sum up this way: those programs, and indeed the very essence of socialism, punish success while rewarding failure; when ability is sin, and ineptitude is sacrosanct, no progress can occur.