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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Sorry, freedom of speech > religion.
  2. Wait, how is a chocolate chip cinnamon fish flavoured muffin going to be good? Where did the fish come from?
  3. I always said it wasn't a big deal, for the simple fact that the atmosphere is so damn large that our emissions can't logically have that great an effect...
  4. Meh, they're out of my price-range. They were rumoured to go for $700.. this is actually a bargain! The new rumor is $380 for the 470... Which is actually not that bad of a rip-off...
  5. GTX4xx comes out on Friday, so if you do nVidia you might want to wait...
  6. That's just plain damn stupid.
  7. Good thing I just saw this now, and not last night- I think I would have overloaded the language filter in my rage. This is the single greatest failure of legislation in American history; never before has Congress so blatantly and happily flaunted their ignorance of the Constitution. Not since we joined the UN have common sense and reason been thrown out so fragrantly... This is a mockery! It has caused such anger because it is the beginning of the end of American capitalism. It is just a sign of more terrifying things to come. If Obama had his way, he would, through taxation, force the rich to provide everything for the poor, and he would do so not because the people support it (his plummeting approval ratings show they do not) but because he believes that it is beneficial. It is a serious misuse of legislative authority -- to say nothing of the fact that its just plain damn wrong, both morally and logically. Whatever, thats their problem, not mine. This.
  8. penne alla vodka from my local Italian place... good ****....
  9. There are far worse ways to spend a day, to be sure...
  10. GoW3. Its epic. Next up are Heart Gold, and finishing FF13.
  11. Stats are easy to replicate but the location and quests would be hard (it's doable but hard). Didn't think of that... Which is why console guys should give tech advice for PC players, I guess...
  12. What private demo?
  13. Bagel. Yum. I love bagels.
  14. Or just use the savegame editor to make the same character...
  15. Is it any good?
  16. I loved the Mako. I could do wheelies, spin outs, suck air flying off cliffs, all the while yelling "yeeeee-hawwww". Seriously, I thought driving it was a blast. I was stunned at how many folks hated it. ME1 hack games? Truly hate-worthy, not my stoic little Mako. This. Not know what mountains were drivable was annoying, but on regular mountains it was good enough...
  17. When I was talking to Udina in ME2 I wanted a renegade interrupt to pop-in so I could punch him. I was sorely disappointed when it didn't. Irrelevant thought: Why does everyone hate the Mako? Once IO figured it out, I actually liked it... I could kill things faster when I wasn't in it, but it was a relatively efficient mode of transportation IMO...
  18. The council is just plain damn irritating... Udina is even worse... It seems that Anderson is the only sane politician in the galaxy, and he's really a soldier, not a politician... Perhaps that's why he's not an utter idiot...
  19. What are you getting it in?
  20. Anyone know if they're gonna be on the floor too?
  21. same here And here...
  22. The MMOPOS Bioware insists in making out of the ruins of kotor. That may be because you never played the first one, and it may be because its really only a sequel in terms of plot- gameplay was completely changed...
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