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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. I'm no expert on CPU temps, but it seems to me that the difference could be because of unequal distribution of processes.
  2. Cole-Train-Dude was at the panel? Also, I wish I could have gone...
  3. At least its free. I've yet to try it (the 360 is getting an ff13-and-gow3-induced break) but I've head both good and bad things.
  4. I flew back from PAX. I hate flying.
  5. The best carrot cake I ever have or probably ever will eat. 7 layers, probably a 60-degree arc w/ a 4" radius. Brilliant.
  6. What? Does this have anything to do with anything other than your strawman view of socialism? The man is being arrested for using his news station to distribute false information in order to create a panic, which is a violation of Article 296 of the Penal Code of Venezuela. No, it comes from my belief that personal freedoms -- including free speech- are of far greater importance than arbitrary national laws, and that the only role of government is to ensure the continuation of those same freedoms. That's (part of the reason) why I hate Communism and all other totalitarian governments.
  7. I flew up to Boston for PAX? Anybody else gonna be there?
  8. And therefore Commies need to surpress free speech to stay in power, making them-- guess what-- totalitarian scum. @Oblarg: I never called him "Commie scum." I called him "totalitarian scum" which I prefer here because it includes Commies but isn't limited to them.
  9. Surprised, no. Outraged, yes.
  10. Chavez is a democratically elected socialist. The government of Venezuela is now arresting a man who directly supported a military putsch. Which one of us is right? Democratically elected totalitarians are still totalitarians, and therefore scum.
  11. Chavez is totalitarian scum, just like every other Commie leader.
  12. There's a reason nobody likes theocracies: they suck, just like all other totalitarian governments. Iran is a theocracy. It forces its citizens to follow an arbitrary set of oppressive laws. Ahmenidijad is indefensible, just like any other totalitarian dictator.
  13. Most of my quotes would just bait LoF, so I'll leave them off... Anyway: "You shall not pass!"- Gandalf "God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically."- Einstein "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."- Einstein, again.
  14. Yeah, no. A Randian society would just ruin its international relations, whine about everybody else having a more functional government, and eventually get literally bought by China. Yeah, no. A Randian society would just cut government to the extent that we could finally start baying off some of that ****. Rand was pretty opposed to war as well, so there's your military problem.
  15. So my friend just told me she was molested as a kid... How in the **** do I respond to that? On a more positive note, I'm packing for PAX...
  16. Interstingly enough, LoF, Rand's viewpoints would pretty much take care of those issues, or at least stop them from worsening... Commiedom, on the oither hand, just kills people...
  17. The kind of brilliant physicist who tells power crazed egomaniacs that everything they do is right? Well, everything they do is right, but I won't get into that...
  18. Well, at least I live in the state that filed the lawsuit... and, now that I'm in the right thread, :
  19. My point exactly... and that was supposed to go into the other thread... whoops... While I do like Rand's philosophy, the book itself is a trainwreck... WT* kind of brilliant physicist/inventor lives in a hut and has a cult of genius industrialists following him?
  20. Skipping the entire thread... What LoF originally posted was just Marxist fan-fic, so here's some capitalist stuff: Except Rand makes rather more intelligent arguments...
  21. Sorry Tig, but I don't buy it... I have no reason to be bound by the wishes/regulations of a group to which I don't belong? They have a right to be offended, and I have an equal right to not care?
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