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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Control their hearbeat? Can you just say "Heart please stop!"?
  2. LoF, I'll try explaining this very simply: GENOCIDE AND MASS MURDER ARE FAR WORSE THAN POVERTY!!!!
  3. Thanks Gfted. Since we haven't really gotten too far into it, we should vote on it. What do you guys think? It might help you all to have those resources there. On the other hand, 2e revised is a better version in my opinion. I vote 3.5, but that's just 'cause I've actually used it... And then I can be a warlock and do mad damage...
  4. I'll do some reading about class/race pairings, and get back to you sometime later today... I'm leaning towards a drow something-or-other though...
  5. This. EDIT: The first sentence of that was my facebook status immediately upon leaving the theater. Also, "I've always wanted a bazooka."
  6. Yeah, I'll do the same... EDIT: How is the dice situation going to work out? Are we going to be rolling, or are you? Also, are you planning a more combat-focused campaign or a more character-driven one?
  7. I'll do it. Sounds fun. I've never tried 2.5e, though... EDIT: If you'll take me, that is...
  8. No. Should I have? No, but some people think I'm an extremist. I don't personally, but that's just me... I don't think you're an extremist. I just think you're tragically misinformed about a great many things. I would quote your global warming post, but I don't feel like finding it. I wasn't referring to you or LoF.
  9. R* is better called R****, IMO. They have made a fortune of off one game: GTA. RDR is GTA4 with a skin from what I've heard. Not worth $60, considering GTA4 blew.
  10. No. Should I have? No, but some people think I'm an extremist. I don't personally, but that's just me...
  11. Because Garrus is a badass pulpy cop who excellently embodies Renegade principles while simultaneously avoiding being a pointless douche and whose worldview is cool and which you can positively effect. On the other hand, Wrex is a boring character who you may recall from KotOR as "Canderous Ordo" and Jade Empire as "the Black Whirlwind." Exactly. He just complains. Wrex, on the other hand, says things like, "They're fools. You should eat them."
  12. I hope you're not including me in that, Wals... Anyway, Rush, etc. can be a little on the insane side...
  13. Examples of mass murder in the Soviet Union after 1953: Examples of mass murder in China after 1976: Oh yes, let's just conveniently ignore the time period that doesn't help your argument. Hell, by your logic (or, more precisely, lack thereof), we can forgive Nazi Germany because they didn't commit any mass murders after 1945. That's just ridiculous.
  14. Hmm, no, having strong nuclear weapons doesn't actually nullify my argument at all. A 50 megaton bomb is NOT a defensive weapon. At all. Also, the dead hand is really not a good example that the Soviets were a good, peaceful people...
  15. LoF, have you ever heard of the Tzar Bomb? Its very existence nullifies your argument...
  16. Why would anybody want ME1-Garrus (AKA whiny *****) over Wrex?
  17. Damn. That's a beastly rig...
  18. I literally laughed out loud.
  19. In before LoF.
  20. Hence the edit... But that's only funny when its perfectly obvious no harm is intended... Yes, because it's really clear that when I say "I wish someone would murder the creators of Scary Movie," I'm 100% dead serious about it. I really want them dead. Really. Well, you're defending LoF, who has often said that murder is ok. ...I don't even think that's worthy of an actual response. I'm not sure which is worse, the grossly oversimplified generality or the completely invalid conclusion you're drawing from it. Actually, my last response to you was just me pulling a CYA... LoF still scares me, however... If people posting opinions on the internet is enough to scare you, you're going to have a tough time with life, bud. What scares me isn't his Communist opinion... It's the complete and utter disregard for human life he has demonstrated repeatedly...
  21. Hence the edit... But that's only funny when its perfectly obvious no harm is intended... Yes, because it's really clear that when I say "I wish someone would murder the creators of Scary Movie," I'm 100% dead serious about it. I really want them dead. Really. Well, you're defending LoF, who has often said that murder is ok. ...I don't even think that's worthy of an actual response. I'm not sure which is worse, the grossly oversimplified generality or the completely invalid conclusion you're drawing from it. Actually, my last response to you was just me pulling a CYA... LoF still scares me, however...
  22. Hence the edit... But that's only funny when its perfectly obvious no harm is intended... Yes, because it's really clear that when I say "I wish someone would murder the creators of Scary Movie," I'm 100% dead serious about it. I really want them dead. Really. Well, you're defending LoF, who has often said that murder is ok.
  23. Hence the edit... But that's only funny when its perfectly obvious no harm is intended...
  24. When "humor" involves the random slaughter of innocents, its not humor. EDIT: Usually.
  25. Considering he has condoned mass murder before, it is not a stretch to believe that he would not mind the murders of these two.
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