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Everything posted by Pope

  1. God I hated those Hook Horrors. They just kept coming and coming and I didn't get a single XP point for wasting them.
  2. Just passed my 4th year of Law School. One more year!
  3. A total conversion which will enable this is already in the works. The developer is currently looking for beta testers, so if you are interested feel free to apply. Hasn't this thing been in the works for years now? I had kind of given up hope. (edit: no that was IWG2 apparently)
  4. IWD was awesome in a very different way. While BG had more freedom and arguably a better story (with BG2 adding the sublime companion interaction), IWD1 definitely had the better atmosphere imo. BG2's atmosphere improved a lot upon BG1, but still IWD1's locations will always hold a place in my heart. IWD2 wasn't as good (although I did find Targos very promising, later parts just didn't deliver), but the 3E rules were a big redeeming factor to me, and still make me wish I could play IWD1 in 3E.
  5. Well, it was in a playable state 3 years ago. They've had plenty of time to get each part of the game right. And as I said on the previous page, Soren Johnson, the lead guy from Civ IV joined the Spore team, so getting that part right has become quite probable.
  6. It has Will Wright and Soren Johnson working on it.
  7. Preview. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/spore/...lyadded;title;1 I want this game.
  8. New preview @ Gamespot http://www.gamespot.com/events/leipzig07/s...;om_clk=topslot Anyone say Mercenaries? Looking pretty neat actually.
  9. I bought a new monster pc just so I could play this game, and now that it's out and getting perfect scores, my pc is dead... :'(
  10. That was the funniest movie I've seen linked in a long time. HAHAHA, OMG, that was so hilarious and so familiar at the same time!!! There's one thing he didn't know though... there is a way to avoid all the obstacles and move through the entire level by walking on the ceiling. It's amazing I remembered that after all this time... that was in Mario Land on Gameboy iirc I used to be a huge cheater when I was a kid. Never played through a game without. Nowadays, the only cheats I use are weapon and health cheats in GTA when I'm rampaging just for the hell of it. And even then it takes all the challenge - and thus fun - out of the game. At least to me. Oh yes, and I tend to use Shadowkeeper on the occasional rerun through BG to alter npc's classes and such, but that has nothing to do with overcoming difficulties.
  11. ^Assassin's Creed is nothing like Fable Both Ubisoft's Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell games have always been great. Assassin's Creed looks like a mix between those two, so to me it's quite promising.
  12. I played WoW for the free month trial and then wisely decided real life goals were more worth pursuing. But to each his own of course.
  13. Pope


    Abrams really should get back to the only good thing he ever made, i.e. Lost. The guy has a tendency to not finish what he started.
  14. Yes well, Demons or not, the WarCraft III manual clearly stated the Eredar were the ones responsible for the corruption of the Titan Sargeras, while according to the TBC story, they were forced to flee (or something to that extent), leading them to settle on Draenor with the Orcs. The Draenei in Frozen Throne also looked a lot cooler than those introduced in TBC. Obviously they received an Extreme Makeover because people only like playing pretty races (they even came up with different kinds of Draenei to cover this crap up). And whatever reason they might have to join the Alliance still puzzles me, especially since they've never even known of its existence, being on another world and all that. If I were to continue WarCraft's lore the way it was left after Frozen Throne, I would've joined the Forsaken, Blood Elves and Naga as one faction, all of them being some kind of Night Elf outcasts (Sylvanas as an undead High Elf). Illidan could even recruit Outland's Fel Orcs easily into his ranks as well, since they too are still addicted to demonic magics. At least that way the races would've had a legit motivation to form a faction. In WoW it just feels they were added to the Horde in order to better suit the gameplay. Thumbs down.
  15. I rather liked the Orcs returning to their shamanistic roots, and the Scourge taking their place as the Burning Legion's instrument of doom (gotta admire everything the Lich King went through, from being a loyal Orc shaman only wanting the best for his people, to being manipulated by the Legion, only to stand up to them which eventually led him to fusing his trapped soul with corrupted Arthas' body). I didn't mind Night Elves role in the grand scheme of things either. I didn't quite like playing 'em, but they were an excellent set-up for races such as the magic hungry Naga and Blood Elves, which were very interesting additions to the lore imo (I found Frozen Throne's "human" campaign to be the coolest part of all of WarCraft III). For me, it was WoW that completely ruined it. Undead joining the redeemed Horde was the first step towards things not making sense anymore. TBC made it even worse by adding Blood Elves too, and completely ignoring the original backstory of that Demon race (forgot its name) that according to the new TBC lore, suddenly turned into the Draenei, which - of all things - used a sodding space ship to get to Azeroth. Ugh... WarCraft IV is utterly doomed. Let's pray Blizzard never decides to make a StarCraft MMO.
  16. Those books aren't based on WoW lore. The WarCraft universe actually used to be quite original until WoW reared its ugly head. From then on every new concept needed to be compatible with balanced gameplay, and thus a bunch of very silly stuff was introduced to the lore. The characters on the cover of Well Of Eternity are Malfurion and Krasus. I never liked the War Of The Ancients trilogy, but I started reading it because it was written by Richard Knaak, who also wrote Day Of The Dragon, the only WarCraft book I really enjoyed. I still damn WoW for ruining a great fantasy universe.
  17. First shooter I'm looking forward to since... well... ever.
  18. Pope


    you're only saying that cause you guys are too old to get the tight stuff
  19. Pope


    23 is okay I guess, can't really compare though. Honestly I can't say I'm looking forward to 40 either. Maybe if I only had the slightest idea of where my life is headed.. Having started renting my own place this year, and therefore having to work to be able to afford it, I finally got my first taste of an authentic grownup life . In reality I'm still just a mere (last year) student though. I don't feel like getting a full-time job next year. I think I'll miss never having to get out of bed before noon too much.. Also, women in their twenties are hotter than in their forties.
  20. Pope


    Congrats. I'm still young and naive yay! Turning 23 in October.
  21. A Wild West RPG would surely be interesting, not to mention innovative. Though for some reason I could only imagine such a game in first-person.
  22. I take that is a multiclassed R/C? My most fun run through the BG saga was with a dual classed R/C. Absolute highlight was soloing Bodhi's lair completely naked, armed only with weapons and anti-undead spells. Ah, the days... Sarevok's redemption isn't Ascension-only. Although Still playing God of War 2 atm. It had been a while since my last play. Somehow I don't seem to be motivated booting up games anymore. However, once I've gotten myself to do so (mostly out of boredom), I have a blast.
  23. Orbital - In Sides my number one favorite album <3
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