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Everything posted by Pope

  1. The chick I'm "dating" is officially a nutcase
  2. Pope


    omg omg lol I just thought of something! Locke didn't happen to get shot in his kidney, did he? you know, as in the kidney he doesn't have?
  3. Pope


    Well, if you believe the theory that all illusions (most notably Christian Shepherd, Yemi and Ben's mom) are Smokie, that isn't such a big stretch is it? I don't remember anyone but Jack seeing his father. So my guess is Smokie aka Jacob aka the Island chooses to whom it reveals itself; or it can only be seen by people with an affinity to the Island. These people are important to the Others, since they need/want to communicate with their Island. This is why they were so interested in Ben, and Walt, and Locke. Besides, there was a flash image of Jacob to be seen. And for some reason, it is quite reminiscent of Locke. I take it as a hint that Locke will die, but Smokie will still appear in the form of Locke. http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u264/gr...cobenhanced.jpg While we're at it, I also predict Juliet and/or Sawyer will die. Don't know why, just a hunch.
  4. Pope


    Jacob = Smokie. "He is not a forgiving man", Ben once said back when he was still Henry Gale. Smokie wasn't very forgiving either when he disposed of Eko. Ben was taken into the Others' ranks because of his affinity with the Island: he could see his mother (who was dead), which leads the Others to think he might be able to communicate with and receive instructions from the Island. Whether or not he really can I don't know. Either Jacob is the Island's way of appearing to Ben, like Christian and Yemi leaded Jack and Eko where they needed to go. Or, and this is what I suspect, Ben is making it all up so he can be the leader. Which is why he wants Locke out of the picture, he's a threat to his authority. Especially now that it seems Locke really did hear the Island, when it was asking him to get rid of Ben ("Help me"). Plan A, aka the tumor failed, now it's Plan B, aka Locke. But again Ben is too smart. I say Locke dies and continues to appear as a form of Smokie, who only seems to mimic dead people (Christian, Yemi, Ana Lucia, Ben's mom). Or put otherwise, Locke = Island.
  5. Pope


    Supertramp - The Logical Song
  6. ^lol you have a subconscious fear of Asians that's funny As for me, I was supposed to go on a date tonight with the girl I should've (and could've) kissed last time, but she just cancelled since her stupid parents suddenly decided to come over, so she says. So we're going Thursday. If she cancels then too, up hers. I can't be bothered with these games.
  7. Pope


    Yea, although it's too bad nearly all advancement seems to include pregnant women. Not that I mind that specific aspect of the story, I just thought there'd be more to the Others than that. Luckily Richard's little speech to Locke indicated such is the case: "We need someone to remind us we're here for more important reasons than that." Though I could've kicked Locke when he replied "What do you need me for?" when he obviously should've asked "Those reasons being?" but I guess this is Lost after all.
  8. Pope


    By the way, Lost is going for 3 more seasons, 16 episodes each. http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/ne...st_N.htm?csp=34 Why they don't just do 2 more seasons of 24 episodes is beyond me.
  9. Pope


    Best characters in season 3 so far are .
  10. Pope


    Nah I don't think so.
  11. Pope


    This was indeed Sawyer's best performance yet. Loved him yelling at Locke, and the expression on his face when he found out who it was he was facing was simply amazing.
  12. Pope


    I'm too good.
  13. Pope


    Cool, can't wait. For those interested, this is the line-up for the upcoming episodes:
  14. Pope


    Haven't seen it yet, but I just want to ask if the rumor of this being a flashbackless episode is true? No spoilers plz, gonna watch it this evening.
  15. http://www.fastseduction.com/guide/
  16. I used to be brunette-only, but recently a blonde has caught my eye. The attraction has only little to do with her hair though.
  17. I'm an idiot. Went on my first date in a long time last night, we both had an awesome time, but in the end I just couldn't bring myself to kiss her. Everything else was perfect though. But messing up again is not an option. So grow back your balls goddammit! Update in roughly a week from now.
  18. Pope


    When Kate asked Ben in the hatch about the guy with the beard (Tom), he answered with "Him? He's nothing. No one!". So he wasn't talking about himself. But he did mention that the man who is behind all this is a great man, a magnificent man. And when Mikhail spoke to Kate, Locke and Sayid about the magnificent man who brought them all to the Island, Kate responded with "If Ben's so great...", to which Mikhail replied "Ben? Ben is not..." Finally, there have been a few mentionings of a man named Jacob in season 3. The first time was when Pickett said "Shephard wasn't even on Jacob's list". In the brainwashing scene, the text "God loves you as He loved Jacob" appeared (which Carl also mumbled in the boat with Kate and Sawyer). And just last episode, Ben said to Juliet that Jacob himself would see to it that her sister got cured. So Ben is not quite no one, but there seems to be someone even higher up the ranks. Now this Jacob might very well be one of Ben's cons, but I suspect it'll be someone we've seen already.
  19. Pope


    I believe the "box" to be a metaphor for the Island's ability to manifest its dwellers' deepest unconscious desires. In most cases, this means closure with their inner demons. Thus they are confronted with them in the form of the apparitions (assuming they are just that): Jack's dad, Kate's horse, Hurley's Dave etc. In Ben's case, it is many things, most notably curing his tumor and protecting his home. And suddenly, a plane drops out of the sky, and amongst its survivors conveniently are Jack, a spinal surgeon, and Locke, who seems to be on a quest guided by the Island to rid it of everything that offers even the slightest chance of escape/intrusion. What I'm saying, is that every survivor of Flight 815 might just have a role to fulfill that fits in Ben's grand unconscious desire. I'm also starting to suspect "the box" is "the universe's way of course correcting itself", and Flight 815 going off course definitely has something to do with that.
  20. Pope


    Wow, this one was definitely amongst the top 3 episodes this season so far. I especially liked Ben"s part in the flashback. And Sayid saying "I want to know everything" made me and my mates cheer out loud.
  21. Looks like a lot of fun, though I doubt Vice City's unique atmosphere will ever be matched again.
  22. Pope


    This would've made a good CSI episode. I guess the writers succeeded in whatever they were up to: I disliked Nikki and Paulo when we first got introduced to them, but at the end of this episode I would've preferred them to be alive. Just felt like a waste of introducing new characters. Their backstory was pretty intriguing, if not pointless. So now Sun knows the Others didn't drag her into the jungle, but then again they now also suspect the Others of killing two Losties. So much for plot advancement. Oh PS: why do all hot chicks die on Lost?
  23. Pope


    Wow. I didn't even catch that! Here are all the hints throughout the show I can remember at the moment: - They're both con men. - Locke asking Sawyer why he picked that name, and saying it's an interesting name to choose. - Cooper is likely to be "the man from Tallahassee". Sawyer mentioned to Jack he'd been there while playing poker. - 'Anthony Cooper, Adam Seward' (another name he used, mentioned in last episode) is an anagram for 'Sawyer, the con man, a poor Dad' Getting pretty obvious by now.
  24. Pope


    There is no magic box. Ben explained "something" as magic box to Locke, because Locke used to work in box company. Indeed. The box is a metaphor Ben uses for the island's ability to give its dwellers their greatest desires. If you hadn't figured out by now the island is capable of such a thing, you haven't been following Lost. I liked this episode very very much. Can't decide yet however whether I prefer it over Desmond's as the best of season 3. This one sure had plenty more story progress though. Oh, and if there were any doubt left about Locke's dad being the real Sawyer, it's gone now.
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