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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Pope


    ^Indeed. The writers always intended season 3 to be the one where the story truly kicks off -- whereas the other two were more meant as a build-up -- and it seems they'll keep to that statement.
  2. Pope


    This is where Stephen Hawking's book A Brief History Of Time comes into play. http://www.4815162342.com/forum/viewtopic....ghlight=hawking Basically when he turned the key, Desmond temporarily pulled past, present and future into one.
  3. I'm still wondering why bots always seem to feel the need to use the smiley for their topics. Someone suggested changing the into a bot alert icon. That'd be neat.
  4. My only hope is that it actually manages to see the light of day. With everything surrounding TBH being cursed and all that...
  5. Pope


    Locke lost his way, Eko died, and Henry isn't Henry anymore. Desmond is now my number one favorite character.
  6. Hades was a pain in the ass. Luckily you could work out that frustration on some legionnaires. Seeing those guys standing there waiting to be catapulted into oblivion really kept me going.
  7. Pope


    Solid episode. I didn't really look forward to it that much, but it managed to rekindle my interest in the show. Finally seeing Dharma active in the outside world was nice.
  8. There will be more boss fights, so I read. I hope part two is longer than part one as well. And no more Hades plz. Though the falling and screaming souls were probably the funniest thing in the game, the rotating blades were a literal pain in the ass. Finally, I'd like the Blade of Artemis to make a reappearance. Slicing and dicing your way through legionnaires was a hell of a lot of fun.
  9. BioShock Spore God of War II Assassin's Creed maybe Crysis
  10. I so want to play the first one again now. Too bad I'm going on a ski trip for 10 days... "
  11. I know there isn't much PS2 love around here, but God of War was a fine example of a perfectly polished game. From graphical and musical presentation to addictive gameplay, this game truly had it all. The only issue I ever had with it was that it was too short. However long it would've been though, I would've always found it too short. It was just that fun to play. Luckily, my thirst for more will be quenched soon thanks to the incredible-looking sequel! There's a new trailer at GameSpot: http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/godofwar2/media.html Bring it on I say.
  12. I think I liked the evil looking "O" better than the new sign. And what's with some of the smilies? edit: woohoo member numbers! omg 3 digits, I'm ancient Gorth has the coolest number ever
  13. it seems Yoshi's Island 2 is quite the shizzle
  14. risking your life to save another's, and fighting to save your own, are two different things <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did you actually read my post? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes... weren't we discussing the right to defend yourself, though?
  15. may seem perfectly plausible from a moral point of view, but I still disagree thoroughly morality is subjective, survival of the fittest is universal
  16. risking your life to save another's, and fighting to save your own, are two different things
  17. I personally preferred season 2 over the first one, although admittedly there were some episodes about halfway that served little to no purpose (the Charlie episode anyone?). But the whole Dharma thing was bloody intriguing. And it introduced 3 of the coolest characters on the show: Desmond, Eko and Henry. The build-up to the end, including the finale, was also much better executed than season one's imo. The blasting of the hatch just didn't cut it for me. Season 3 has't really wowed me as of yet, although I did really like the Eko episode. I think I expected more answers from the Others, but they seem to be just as clueless about the island as the Losties. At least for now. Time will tell. I know I'm dying to find out who mr eyepatch is, for one thing, and what the hell is going on with Desmond.
  18. majority schmajority democracy - and other such concepts that praise this silly idea of majorities calling the shots - is such a nonsensical thing... every living creature has the right to defend him/herself, though I have reservations calling this a 'right'. the only absolute law in nature is survival of the fittest, not whatever some (mostly retarded) majority comes up with... if 100 can outwit 10.000 they deserve to live morality doesn't even come into play, is just a defense mechanism made up by folks not fit enough to survive not saying I'm one of those fittest, but stuff like morality and democracy is exactly what makes human society a threat to nature. messes up the whole system
  19. "You see things; and you say Why? But I dream things that never were; and I say Why not?" George Bernard Shaw "Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." no idea who said it but it's great
  20. There was a marathon of a show called Wonder Showzen on Mtv the other night. I had never heard about it. And now I think I'm in love. It's the most hilarious thing I've seen in ages. Being stoned as a Mexican staring frog might have had something to do with that, but nonetheless! Think South Park's spoofs on society. Then think Sesame Street. That's basically what Wonder Showzen is. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0450357/ There's a bunch of hilarious clips on YouTube too.
  21. And with 2006 being quite a crappy musical year...
  22. Well I thought The Incredibles was a big letdown. I might have to watch it again though. Toy Story 2 is Pixar's best film <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Toy Story 1 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I preferred the second one over the first one. It felt less like a Disney story to me. The "I'm your father!" line alone was pure gold.
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