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Everything posted by Pope

  1. They're all kickass though.
  2. Just can't stress you enough to GET God Of War. It's super fun.
  3. So I take a break from studying to set my mind on something else for a moment, and then I see the exact same stuff I'm studying right here.
  4. http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=36305 "There will definitely be some new characters on the show next year. ... Obviously, Michael Emerson, who plays Henry Gale, he's someone who's going to be very prominent in the show next year." Hurrah! Henry has quickly become my favorite character, and now we know he's a big shot, he's even cooler! Yay for Henry!
  5. That sure was a killer finale. Can't wait for season 3. Going through withdrawal already... Anyway, as it turns out, it seems I was able to predict quite some things. - Desmond being on the boat (though that might've been obvious) - Kelvin having drawn the map, and having been killed by Desmond - Locke eventually turning against the hatch and causing the button not to be pushed - Henry being "the usual suspect" (though we're not sure he's "him", but he certainly seems to be one of the Others' top men) - the button keeping the magnet stable and the magnet causing the crash (hinted at by the look on Desmond's face when he found out when they crashed in episode 2/3) - the Others being the good guys (first hinted at in Claire's flashback in season 1, when the psychic said "they're good people") So I suppose Jack, Sawyer and Kate will now join the Others' cause. But why just them? Are they the good ones? Wasn't Locke a good one too? And Eko, since he would've been taken the first night if he hadn't killed those two Others? What's so good about Sawyer? I reckon the Widmore fellow still has a large role to play, seeing as the name Widmore has already come up quite a few times (the pregnancy test, the balloon...). And then of course, there's the huge foot...
  6. M$ got GTA? Say it isn't so! Edit: just checked www.gta4.net. It's just not exclusive anymore. Phew. Edit2: Microsoft and Rockstar Games have announced a strategic alliance to provide exclusive episodic content for Xbox Live
  7. Or, he's a fraud and did see something when touching Claire, which is why he freaked out. Or, he's not a fraud and knew that Eko would delay his flight by investigating the miracle and thereby not crash on the island.
  8. I need to think some things over now. So did the island want Locke in the Pearl instead of the Swan? But how come every time he gets to the drug plane, he's disabled from climbing the cliff himself, and thereby seeing the question mark? What are the people in the Swan being tested for? Their faith? Is it meant as a simulation for when things really become of the utmost importance? Or is the Pearl just another mind game? If Claire's psychic is a fraude, isn't it a bit too coincidental he led her to the island? If he were a fraude back when he first talked to her, why would he give her the money back? Might he be affiliated with Dharma after all?
  9. Henry trying to choke Ana Lucia Ana having sex with Sawyer Henry revealing Locke is the reason he's there Christian calling Ana Sarah for some reason (which is Jack's hot wife's name, in case you forgot) Jack having a half-sister Michael working for the Others Ana dead Libby probably not dead, but still shot Henry free (I guess) Very strong episode if you ask me.
  10. That had to be the most shocking episode of season 2 up until now. Great stuff!
  11. But did it have russian boobs?<{POST_SNAPBACK}> It had boobs alright.
  12. My 21st birthday, hands down. Can't even begin to describe that day. It had everything. Everything! Wish I could relive it for the rest of my life. Back when life was still good... Back when I still had everything I ever wanted... Back when society hadn't stuck its fingers down my throat yet...
  13. And the shoulder buttons. And the vibration function.
  14. Call me moronic, but the name is actually starting to grow on me. It was obvious die-hard gamers would diss the name. Gamespot already has 3600+ comments on the stupidity of it. But those are typical gamers, who are used to names such as Playstation or Gamecube. What they don't seem to realize is that Nintendo is aiming for a much broader audience here. They want the console to reach everyone in the family, hence the easy-to-pick-up remote controller. A name that has "game" or "play" in it won't appeal to those people. But when they see a machine in the store named Wii, they'll stop and take a look. It sounds modern, it sounds high-tech, even though it sounds silly. But at least it sticks out. I don't think the renaming is a bad move at all. Gamers have already learned about the console anyway, what should they care what the name is... It's the other part of the targeted audience you have to consider when judging this name. That said, I'll stil probably get one. Depending on the PS3 price.
  15. Music sounds awesome again as well. That is a new track, right?
  16. They could register whoever paid for the game so those machines would be able to download it again, with no costs. And I'm not saying this would totally cancel out disc distribution. Just that it would be an alternative for people not willing to spend that much money on their games. You can't deny that one day this will be the way to purchase games though. Just like iTunes is taking over cd's. Distributors best start finding other jobs.
  17. In this era of consoles going online, why don't they just make the games downloadable? No more distributors = lower costs.
  18. Another thing I was wondering... What's the deal with Jack and guns? For a doctor, he sure knows how to handle them. On the other hand, he is American...
  19. Because Henry Gale didn't seem to know all that much about the hatch, for one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, well, so what? I would imagine he knows a lot more about the hatch than he let on. The thing that I like about Henry Gale is that he lied until he was given incontrovertible proof that he was, in fact, lying...and then he just started telling a different lie. He's done this under mild torture, several days' worth of confinement, and let's not forget that bolt in his shoulder. Just because he claims he doesn't know anything about the hatch, or that he didn't push the button, doesn't mean that he's telling the truth. In fact, I'm doubting every word he says. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> After last episode, I'm inclined to believe Henry does indeed know more of the hatch than he claims. I even bet he did enter the code. Somehow he just doesn't want Locke to do so anymore. Whether this means the button really is that important, I don't know. But it certainly does appear he wants Locke to move on to other things, more specifically investigate the map he saw during the lockdown.
  20. That was pretty annoying indeed <_<
  21. Depends. I was born in a good family, with parents who always took care of me in every possible way, so I was never short of anything. I'm a healthy guy. Flawlessly made it through my university studies this far. I have more close friends than I could ever dream of. On the other hand, I suck at games that require luck (dice rolling, blackjack etc...), and I've had awfully bad luck when it comes to women the last few years.
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